Harnessing the Habit: Interview with AT11 Winner Mark Kiser

Here’s your new interview with one of the winners from the 11th Adonis Golden Ratio Transformation Contest.

Today John talks to Mark Kiser,  who placed 5th in our last 12-Week Transformation contest.

Mark’s Transformation  Journey can best be summarized in the  phrase, “Harnessing the Habit.”   However, before Mark could begin his journey, he had  to let go of some of his “bad habits”.  Choosing to forgo early morning coffee & donuts or late night stops at Fast Food places; this mental task proved difficult to him at first. Nevertheless, when he was faced with some serious health challenges, Mark overcame adversity and began the pursuit towards his goal of optimal health.

Mark tells us  that he experienced some weight-loss success before AGR, however, it was quite temporary as all the pieces of the “fitness puzzle” hadn’t quite come together for him yet.  It wasn’t until  he associated “skipping breakfast” with the concept of intermittent fasting that the “good habits” begin to outweigh the “bad habits.”  Shortly after, Mark was introduced to the AGR community and the timing to enter the contest just seemed to line up for him.

For the first time Mark was finally able to apply the concepts of  intermittent fasting with sound nutrition & training principles from the AGR system to develop an amazing transformational physique!

Check out his AT11 Pictures:

Mark Kiser- AT11 5th Place - Before Photos

Mark Kiser- AT11 5th Place – Before Photos


Mark Kiser - AT11 5th Place - Transformation Image

Mark Kiser – AT11 5th Place – Transformation Image


Mark Kiser- AT11 5th Place - After Photos

Mark Kiser- AT11 5th Place – After Photos



Mark’s Transformation Essay:

This transformation contest has been a fun and yet challenging experience. It came at a time in my life that I really needed something worthwhile to focus on, and something I could do for myself every day and feel good about what I was doing. I wasn’t very disciplined about the tracker and keeping up with measurements, and the diet of course was the hardest part, becoming harder the closer I got to the end of the twelve weeks. I definitely had some “cheat” days. But going to the gym five or six days a week was very therapeutic for me. That being said, I feel like at 48 years old I’m in the best shape of my life. It felt really good when I was able to get down to single digit body fat levels. Now I have no excuses for ever being out of shape again! I was working with a few injuries the last several weeks of the contest, so the hard part now will be forcing myself to take a few weeks off to give my body a chance to rest and hopefully heal. I have a bad habit of not seeing things through, or not finishing what I start. It felt really good to see this through and I’m looking forward to seeing everybody’s results and maybe even doing another contest in the near future. Thank you for your program and your continual inspiration to all of us in the Adonis community!


Mark’s Transformation Interview:

To listen to Mark’s transformation podcast interview click below:

About Allen Elliott

Allen is the Editor-In Chief of the Adonis Index Blog, bringing you weekly articles on contest prep, transformation testimonials' and much more!

Additionally he is a published Fitness Personality, Certified Personal Trainer, and National Competitor in the NPC Men's Physique Division.

Last but not least, as an Adonis/Venus Index Transformation Coach, he works to provide guided solutions for people who sincerely strive to meet their fitness goals.

Being a fitness model and competitor gives him a lot of valuable insights that nobody else talks about. Among other things, he will teach you how to prepare for a live show or a fitness photoshoot yourself.

Click here to get more from him.
