Breakfast: The Most Important Meal of the Day?

When it comes to both fat loss and muscle building, the common fitness lore is that breakfast is the most important meal of the day.

In order to make a statement about ‘breakfast’, we first have to define what ‘breakfast’ means. This sounds simpler than it really is.

For example, is breakfast simply the first meal of your day no matter how long you’ve been awake? Or is it only breakfast if you eat it within a certain number of minutes and hours after waking up?

Is this what breakfast is supposed to look like?

Is breakfast defined by the specific foods you eat? Does breakfast have to be bacon and eggs, or cereal?  Or can it be beef stew, or a bowl of pasta, or a vegetable stir fry, or an ice cream cone?

Before we start talking about the virtues and benefits of breakfast, we have to know what the word ‘breakfast’ means. And this is precisely what we are going to do in today’s podcast.

We look at the research on the phenomenon known as breakfast and break it down for you so that you can see the difference between the results and the opinion of the researchers. We’ll get to the bottom of the information on breakfast and determine what breakfast even is, and if there is a way to use this meal to your advantage with your fat loss and muscle building goals.


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The Truth About Dietary Protein – What You Need To Know

Protein is the one macronutrient that has the most praise from a health and fitness standpoint. It is marketed to help build muscle AND burn fat. If you browse any fitness magazine or related websites, you will find dozens of claims on how to most effectively ‘dose’ protein. Protein is no longer regarded as simply a macronutrient component of various foods, but rather it’s considered like a drug that needs to be dosed at specific levels and specific times of day.

If you search the fitness media you will find claims about any and all of the following topics related to protein:

Do you see food or specific doses of protein?

– specific times of day to take it

– a specific grams per pound of bodyweight to ‘dose’ for muscle building

– specific doses of protein for pre post and during a workout

– specific proteins to eat during the day vs at night

– specific proteins to eat pre and post workout

– specific proteins for fat loss vs muscle gain

– specific proteins for your gender

And there are likely more that I have missed. The point is that the issue of protein has become needlessly complicated. The specificity of dietary protein is largely overstated by the diet and fitness industry in an effort to sell elaborate and high priced protein supplement products.

This isn’t to say that protein isn’t important for maximizing your muscle building and fat loss efforts because it definitely is. The real issue is separating the useful information from the nonsense.

In today’s podcast, we’ll discuss the in’s and out’s of dietary protein and what you really need to know about it.


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The Truth About Dietary Fat: You Can’t Learn This From a Label

Dietary fat is one of the least understood macro nutrients but it’s also the one that many people are the most afraid of. Over the past 50 years researchers have learned a great deal about dietary fat but there are still just as many unanswered questions.

If you’ve done any casual health and fitness reading you’ve probably come to some of these conclusions:

Is this good or bad?

Saturated fat is bad

Trans fats are REALLY bad

Monounsaturated fats are good

Poly unsaturated fats are REALLY good

From there you’ve likely heard about fish oils, “omega” fats, and even the difference between Omega 6 and Omega 3 fats…if you’re really advanced in your understand of the Omega 3 fats you’ll also understand that there are different forms of “omega” fats and that only specific forms provide the purported health benefits of lowering cholesterol, raising HDL, and lowering triglycerides and LDL. You might even know what the specific essential fatty acids are that provide the health benefit that are basis of Omega 3 claims namely DHA (Docospentanoic Acid) and EPA (Eicosapentanoic acid).

Even if you understand all of this information, the real question is how do you go about eating food on a daily basis and how do you choose where the fat will appear in your diet. Do you treat food as food and simply eat a sensible a varied mixed diet, or do you treat your food like a drug that needs to be dosed, and specifically dose your fat based on it’s chemical composition?

Many people do the latter. We search for food items that a a specific contest of poly unsaturated fatty acids. We’ll choose olive oil over other forms of oil, butter over margarine, margarine over butter…neither? Fish Oil tablets, salmon for its fatty acid content, flax seed oil because it has ‘omega 3’s’, coconut oil or milk because it’s supposed to have good fat.

Do all of these considerations actually amount to any real benefit of it’s it much ado about nothing?

Developing a grounded view of food as food (and potentially medicine) but NOT as a drug is the key component to understanding what to do about dietary fat.

In today’s uncensored podcast, we’ll discuss everything you need to know about dietary fat and how to have clear view of how much mind space and plate space it should take up in your life and your diet.


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Overcoming Emotional Eating: Reprogramming Your Mind to Control Your Weight

Changing the look and shape of your body requires a holistic approach. This means the change has to come both with your physiology and psychology especially if you struggle with emotional or stressful eating.

Physiology simply means getting your calories under control, making more sensible food and eating decisions as well as sticking to a regular exercise program that is well designed to move you towards your health and fitness goals whatever they may be.

Dr Nicola Bird Founder of Self Imaging Therapy

You can even think of the physiology part as the things that are obviously outwardly such as going to the gym, choosing smaller portion sizes, and ensuring that your diet is based more on whole foods that satisfy your needs without over consuming calories from dense sources.

The physiology is what you read about in fitness magazines, and it’s the information that gets cluttered, contradicted, and over consumed. This is because the physiology for many people isn’t the problem. For some people it’s the psychology.

Getting a handle on the psychological aspects of weight control is an entirely different matter and it’s not so obvious what is happening in your mind and with your emotions. Taking control of your psychology and learning to reprogram yourself for weight loss success requires just as much work as the physiology, but this is a different kind of work.

If you think you have an emotional or psychological issue with eating and weight control the first step is getting to the root of the issue. This is hard and in many cases uncomfortable work, and the answer isn’t always obvious. In many cases you’ll be the last person to know what the real issue is until you start doing the work to find out.

Click this image to check out Nicolas book on Amazon

These are usually deep rooted issues that touch on your sense of identity and self worth. It will involve undoing old psychological patterns and laying down new ones, and it requires repetition to make it stick, just like working out.

To truly change your body for good, you must change both your physiology AND your psychology. Changing one without the other isn’t enough.

In today’s podcast, I interview Dr. Nicola Bird about changing your psychology to help overcoming emotional and stress related eating to make a real lasting change in your body. She is my psychotherapist and the ace up my sleeve that helps me stay balanced and keeps me moving forward.

We’ll discuss the root of the identity crisis that many people face when they do finally make a change in their body. We will also talk about why so many people self sabotage and become their own worst enemy when they try to change their bodies.

This is a great interview and I suggest you take notes if emotional or stress eating is an issue you’ve been struggling with.

Finally if you like what you hear from Nicola you can visit her website here and even book a session to start working through your own issues with her over the phone. I highly recommend it if you feel stuck or hitting a sabotage point that you cannot overcome. I find that her methods are the most effective way to start getting your psychology inline with your physiology for a lasting change.



Are You Addicted to Food

Why do we eat the type and amount of food we do? What determines our food choices and when we choose to stop eating? There are a number of factors that play a role and now research is looking into the concept of food addiction.

Rats can become addicted to Cookies...can we?

There is a growing body of research that indicates people could be addicted to food in the classical definition of addiction.

Researchers are showing that rats can become addicted to food and display all the symptoms of irritability, withdrawal and the ability to massively overeat when food is present. This research is giving us the framework to study if some people are also addicted to food.

Being addicted to food presents a unique problem as we must continue to eat. You can’t just go off of food cold turkey and never eat again.

So how do you overcome an addiction to a something that you need to consume on a daily basis to survive?

The first step is to find out if you truly have a food addiction or just tend to overeating at social occasions or when you’re bored. The reason some people overeat is never clear and the potential for true addiction is another factor in a long list of potential problem we need to tackle.


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Orthorexia and Food Cults

Orthorexia is a term coined by a physician Dr. Steven Bratman. It’s defined as an unhealthy obsession with health food…ironic to say the least.

Food Cults

Some people end up worshiping at the alter of a new food cult without even realizing it.

Many people can fall victim to some degree of orthorexia as they search for the one ‘right’ way to eat, but each of these diets is nothing more than an unscientific fad that is more marketing and fear mongering than it is science.

Diet fads come and go and each one has it’s villian food and it’s hero’s all the way from it’s champion founder to the champion foods.

Low carb diets, blood type diets, raw foodies, macrobiotic, paleo and so on, each one will profess the merits of eating specific foods while removing many other foods from your diet for good. But is there really any proof that these diets can help you live healthier or longer or improve performance or the way you feel…or do anything at all?

In most cases these diets quickly become like a cult with all of the ugly consequences like becoming socially isolated from other people who are not part of the cult, the development of an elitist attitude about the given way of eating above any other form of eating and a general smugness of it’s followers as they assume they have become ‘enlightened’ to the one and only way to eat.

The reality is there is little if any scientific evidence to support any of these restrictive styles of eating. They are usually focused on minor and insignificant points about mixing and matching their ‘correct’ foods and miss the point of getting total calories under control and developing consistent exercise habits.

In todays uncensored podcast we’ll discuss orthorexia and food cults and how many of the diets that people read about and follow start to take over other parts of their lives.

We’ll also discuss how the champions of many of these cults don’t even follow their own recommendations.


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