Archives for October 2009

The Key To More Confidence And Better Sex

If you’ve been hitting the gym and working on your AI, then you already know that the social advantages aren’t just from the way you look… but from the way that change affects your confidence.

As your AI improves, you can feel the way people treat you differently, it makes you more confident, you’re handed even more social power because of that confidence, and that makes you even more confident.

It’s like lighting the fuse on a stack of dynamite.

Building the kind of self-trust that leads to rock-solid confidence usually starts with something external that gives you validation… whether it’s big money success or transforming your body.

Ultimately you become completely internally referenced – you’re a rock solid man who’s confident about his masculinity… a man who’s not playing it safe or playing small…

Women call this guy “passionate,” and this type of confidence is the most sexually attractive quality a man can have.

I’m talking about the guy that even normally shy and reserved girls end up doing all kinds of crazy things with because he elicits something inside of her that’s deeper than her personality.

The fact is, there ain’t a whole lot of passionate men in the world (other than in women’s romance novels), and that’s because it’s not so simple.

We all want to build our confidence, but it’s easy to feel stuck.

So I KNOW you are working on the physical side… here’s some kick-ass techniques to work it from the INSIDE

My friend Alex (that’s him in the picture above, pretty sweet AI right?) has launched a new system that is all about getting the confidence and the passion in your life… learning how to get WOMEN to respond to you more sexually, and how to be that guy that gets her to unleash her wild-side in the bedroom.

Alex is my friend that wrote the book, “Revolutionary Sex,” (which is definitely one of the best books ever written on the subject of bedroom skills) and his new project, “Passionate Lover, Passionate Life” is the real deal.

(As and aside, this guy always speaks at Eben Pagan/David DeAngelo’s conference’s because he KNOWS what the hell he’s talking about)

He’s created what amounts to a free mini-course on having more passionate interactions with women, and I gotta say, this stuff is baller. Go check out the 1st report:

“Overcoming The Obstacles To Living A Life Of Passion”

And you know, maybe you’re the type of guy that thinks this stuff is queer or only for sissy losers…

… and you’d be wrong.

It doesn’t cost anything and Alex is my boy so you KNOW it’s gonna be good.

This stuff isn’t “pick up”. And it’s not about how to be cool when approaching women in bars.

It’s about how to live with more guts, how to have relationships with women that are more sexually powerful and more authentic for both of you.

There’s basically 4 ideas that Alex talks about in his new system:

1. How to develop the inner confidence to become more passionate as a MAN

2. How to get any woman to be more passionate (both emotionally and sexually) in your relationship

3. How to lead a more passionate LIFE

4. When you fall in love with the right woman… how to make the passion last long-term (for both of you)

If you want to learn some really sharp new ideas that you can use right away to take your interactions with women to a MUCH higher level… you are going to want to check out the reports and virtual workshop on building a more passionate life and relationship that Alex is giving away.

Watch the cool video and download the loot here:

Oh, and by the way, if you see Alex, make sure you laugh at him for this “thong” pic… HAHAHA!


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Muscle Building & Fat Loss – How To Gain and Lose

Muscle building is about your workout. The consistency, intensity, workout design and your ability to push past your previous best. Building muscle is largely about your genetics and working within your genetic boundaries. In short, the genetic environment inside your body is the biggest factor that controls your muscle building potential along with your workouts.

Fat loss is about nutrition and handling your food and eating environment outside of your body. Social factors like co-workers, family, spouse, school, holidays and special occasions, the country and city you live in all make a big difference for how your fat loss success goes. The way we eat and the temptation to overeat is a constant battle for many people in modern western societies.

We cover both of these topics in this podcast and show how confusing one for the other can ruin both your muscle building and fat loss results.

Getting them both on target will get you results much faster.

