Archives for November 2009

What NOT To Do Tonight…

It’s Saturday night and along with the whole spirit of being social and having a killer social life

… I figured I’d drop a little tip on you that you can put to use tonight.

I mean, what’s the point of having a killer body if you live like a hermit right?


Now, in yesterday’s podcast, I kinda mentioned this a little while talking to Rich, but one of the BIGGEST mistakes I see people make when they’re trying to meet other people, whether it be women at the bar or networking for work…

… is the fact that you’ve likely already set a serious goal for the interaction in your mind.

Thus, you get nervous about talking to people, and in a lot of cases, you’re so stressed about screwing up that you DON’T EVEN GO TALK TO THEM AT ALL!

I know you know where I’m coming from.

If you’re single, maybe it’s the hot blonde at the bar that you’d love to talk to, but you’re afraid that she’ll turn you down.

If it’s work related, maybe it’s that hot contact that could possibly put your company on the next level.

So here’s the deal.

Let’s put this in terms of if you were going out tonight.

(now I realize that you may already be ‘connected’, but just roll with me here as you’ll see how this can apply to you)

Imagine you walk into a party and you see a woman that catches your eye.

Now, the normal guy would look at this woman and try to think of the best “pick up line” or opener he could in order to possibly pave the way to getting to the “next level” with her.

But not you.

You know why?

Because, you don’t know anything about her… like AT ALL.

And do you know what you do?

You go meet her. Just to meet her.

You go satisfy your curiosity.

You don’t have an agenda, except for the fact that you want to find out a little bit more about the person that’s caught your eye.

And at this point, talking to her is EASY.

Here’s what I want to you try…

… here’s the “technique” if you will.

“Just meet people to meet people.”

No agendas, you’re just meeting cool people.

I think you’ll be really surprised at how easy it gets.

Have an awesome night.

Stay cool,


p.s. Go check out this cool video that Rich has up. I think you’ll enjoy it.

p.p.s. Yes, that’s me in the pic above. I’m at my buddy’s wedding, jumping over my brother while my sister laughs at us as the crowd goes wild… lol

Richard La Ruina – Gambler’s Secrets To A Killer Social Life

It’s Friday and that means it’s time for another “Lifestyle” edition of the Adonis Lifestyle podcast. (click the play button at the bottom to listen)

In today’s interview, I talk to Richard La Ruina (also known as Gambler in some circles) on how a guy can develop a killer social life, starting from nothing.

You’ll hear crazy tactics like:

– How to get in the ritziest bars and clubs, for FREE…

– How to create a lifestyle that women not only want to be in… but one that actually will put you in a position to CHOOSE the best women to hang out with, with no pressure, no crazy lines or games, AND with methods that actually let you be PROUD of who you are.

– You’ll discover Rich’s fun way to get other guy’s to GLADLY pick up the tab for you, because of the value you bring to their lives

– Plus so much more.

So, give it a listen.

I know you’ll enjoy it… and we’ll be back on Monday with another podcast with John Barban. You don’t want to miss it.


p.s. If you like this podcast, go check out a cool video that Rich has up on a new “stealth opener” that has a 100% success rate. It’s pretty cool.

p.p.s. Do you remember that game in the picture? GOTCHA! I owe you a punch… lol

The Invictus Workout – Matt Damon Gets Jacked

Our buddy Brad Pilon put up a cool article on the new Invictus Workout that will SOON be taking the net by storm.

I liked the premise so much that I’m reprinting it here for you to feast your eyes on.



The Invictus Workout

Haven’t heard of it yet?

Don’t worry, you will.

Invictus is a new movie that is coming out soon that stars Matt Damon and Morgan Freeman.

So why does it get it’s own workout?

Well Matt Damon plays Francois Pienaar, the Captain of South Africa’s Rugby team in the early to mid 1990’s. And, at minute 0:57 of the trailer for Invictus, you see Matt with his shirt
off for about 1.5 seconds.

Sounds silly but this is the equation:

Male Hollywood Celebrity Appears “Jacked” in a movie = On-line Hysteria over “How he did it”.

Think the Christian Bale Batman Workout, the Gerard Butler 300 Workout, or the Hugh Jackman Wolverine workout.

It works every time, without fail. Hollywood Celeb gets jacked, someone tries to cash in.

So I’m going to Preempt everyone with this one:

I know EXACTLY how Matt Damon got in shape for this movie…It’s the exact same way Hugh Jackman got in shape, which is the exact same way Gerard Butler got in shape and the same way Christian Bale gets in shape.

They dedicated themselves to Hard work and some form of resistance training.

We should all realize by now that there IS NO SECRET.

It doesn’t matter if you are lifting giant rocks, kettle bells, dumbbells or small barnyard animals.

It’s the hard work that gets the results, not the trendy tools.

Matt, Gerard, Christian, they are no different then you or me… well, other than the lifestyle and money part.

They work hard, they stay dedicated and consistent and they get results. It’s not some secret new workout of the star that until now was kept secret

It’s hard work.

So there you go… If you want to look like a Movie Star, the secret is hard work.

The trick to it all?

Next time you are in the gym imagine there is a 10 million dollar movie role on the line.

You get in shape, you get the role.


And he’s right.

Even with the correct systems in place, if you don’t work at it, you get virtually no results.

This isn’t a walk in the park and on some days, you’ll just plain HATE it.

But them’s the ropes.

If you remember this past weeks podcast, we talked about this a bit.


Mental toughness.

Stretching your boundaries.

Escaping your comfort zone.

And you know what?

It’s WORTH it.

Just imagine how people will look at you when you get to that perfect Adonis Index.

Picture women asking you how you did it.

Listen to the men clamoring over your “secret” potion or “hidden” technique.

And then imagine grinning… because you know that even though you had an awesome workout system (ours) to keep you aimed in the right direction…

… you KNOW that the true secret to the body you now possess, the one that all of these people are hounding you about…

… didn’t come from anything you bought.

It didn’t come from magic.

No specific supplements.

No crazy workout machines.

YOU KNOW, that the true secret is:

Showing up and working out with rabbit-like intensity yet having turtle-like consistency

Each workout is a battle.

It’s you against your worst enemy…


The internal struggle of when to quit and when to push the gas. The flirting with the “edge”.

This is how it works.

This is your life.

And you’re now “that guy”.

Aren’t you? 😉

Stay cool,


p.s. Hard work is important. But so are systems.

It’s like running as fast as you can for a mile to try to get to a gas station when you’ve run out of gas in your car.

With no knowledge of which way you’re going, the results you get (finding the gas station) rely more on luck and guessing than having a true aim. After all, wouldn’t having a road map be better?

Here’s that roadmap for the body you want.

Take roadmap. Insert wily determination.

Get results. Period.

When it Comes to Changing Your Body – Talk is Cheap

I get irritated when I hear people saying one thing and doing another (as I’m sure this might irritate you as well).

This happens all the time and especially when it comes to changing the look and shape of your body.

When it comes to building muscle and losing fat, talk it cheap. Action is where it’s at.

If you say “I want to lose weight” but you never actually lose any weight…well then what you’re really saying is “I’d like to lose weight but I don’t want to do all the things it takes to actually lose the weight, so I’ll just talk about it instead”

The people who actually lose weight just do it, and don’t talk much about it.

Same with building muscle. If you say “I want to build muscle” but you never go to the gym and put in the tough workouts and push through every painful rep then what you’re really saying is “I’d like bigger muscles but I don’t want to stick to a workout program and put the effort in the gym that is required to get there”.

I’ve learned to tune out the people who are all talk and only focus on helping the people who really want to take action.

For most things in life talk is cheap, and action is where it’s at.

TALKING about something will never make it happen, DOING something about it will.

If you want to start doing something about your body then give The Adonis Index Workout System a try:

Stop talking and start doing: Click Here to Get Started Today


Are you “Training” or Just “Working Out”?

Any type of movement could be considered a ‘workout’ to some degree. Even a 5 minute walk can be called a ‘workout’.

Even though it is very low intensity and duration, it’s still some form of work beyond just resting.

In order to make a real change in your muscle size and strength you need to be ‘training’ and not just ‘working out’.

Training requires a plan, a timeline, a goal, and specific exercise intensities.

Unless you’re following a program with all of the above elements built into it, you’re most likely just working out and not really ‘training’.


P.S. Check this link out of you’d like to see an example of a well designed workout using body weight training.
