Archives for February 2011

What does “Building Muscle” Mean?

Most men want bigger muscles…it’s the reason most of us go to the gym, it’s the reason men continue to experiment with new workout protocols, new supplements and even drugs…bigger muscles.

Eugen Sandow vs Schwarzenegger

How did Schwarzenegger get so much bigger than Sandow?

A quick glance around any gym will reveal men with vastly different sizes of muscles. So what makes one guy that much different than the other in a given group?

The factors that contribute to the muscle size of any given person you might come across include:


# of years weight training

Type of program followed

Intensity of training

The age you started weight training



Money – how much supplements or drugs you can afford

Time – The amount of time you can spend working out

Stress – How much stress you are under in the other areas of your life

All of these factors contribute to the amount of muscle any given person has, and this is also why you can’t really compare yourself to anyone else.

This is all part of understanding muscle growth and what to expect.

At this point you might have noticed that I haven’t said anything about ‘building muscle’ but only muscle ‘growth’. That is because it’s incorrect to use the word ‘build’ to refer to muscle.

Or at the very least, the word ‘build’ makes us think of muscle growth in the wrong terms, and as long as we think in terms of muscle ‘building’ we will always be susceptible to marketing scams about muscle growth.

The first step to really understanding how to create bigger muscles is to first start thinking about muscle growth as it truly is, and that is hypertrophy, not ‘building’.

DEFINITION: Hypertrophy is the increase in the volume of an organ or tissue due to the enlargement of its component cells.

The definition of the word “build” can mean many things, but none of it’s meanings are the same as the word ‘hypertrophy’.

Hypertrophy can most closely be related to the concept of filling up a water balloon and perhaps making a slightly bigger balloon to fill.

Making this distinction in the way you think of muscle growth is a key step to developing the body you want and namely, bigger muscles.

In todays podcast we discuss how to correctly think about muscle growth and how this fundamental shift in the way you think and speak about muscle growth will change the way you view working out for both muscle size and definition.



Working Out vs Training: Interview With Wes Granger

Staying consistent and having support are the two biggest keys to making big time changes in weight loss and muscle building.

adonis index transformation wes granger

The consistency of your workout and your ability to stay injury free are the two biggest factors on the training side of the equation that will add up to long term success.

Consistency and social support on the diet side of the equation are the two biggest factors to dropping weight and getting lean.

You can find many online communities that seem to be on target with your goals, but as you get further into them the support you hoped for might not be there. Finding the right community (online or off) could be the difference between getting to your goals and falling off the wagon for good.

Sometimes it just takes a few words of encouragement and a friendly kick in the butt from a supportive group to keep you on track towards your goals.

In todays podcast we interview Wes Granger who has dropped a lot of weight, and got into great shape. Wes talks about how he finally got his body to change and how he did it.



Reading Research Papers

In this new world of blogs, and the interwebs, and instant access to ‘info’ there is no shortage of misinformation.

This misinformation includes marketers and commentators with little or no qualifications to report on the topics that they’re reporting on as well as readers and consumers going to websites such as pubmed and looking through the various abstracts assuming the information there is enough to make an informed decision about what to do with either their diet or workout.

In both cases you can end up being mislead or misleading yourself. And this is to say nothing about lay people who go to pubmed, find an abstract and then re-post it on a forum and declare they have the answer to some muscle building or fat loss question.

So in an effort to put this in some sort of perspective I interviewed Bryan Chung who has his Phd in research methodology. We try to get to bottom of how to read a research paper and how to tell if a paper is of high quality or not, and finally what the average person can or should do about deciphering research claims in this misinformation age.

Bryan is a plastic surgery resident and a Phd in research methodology.

He critiques research papers on his blog at

So if you have a research paper in diet or fitness and you want to get an expert opinion on the quality of the paper then you can send it to Bryan at his blog and maybe he’ll give it a once over in a future post.


Download the Transcript: Reading Research Papers


Finding Your Motivation Interview With Andrew Scott

We’re in the 3 week of the fourth Adonis Index transformation contest and motivation to push through the full 12 week run is a big factor in winning and making a big change.

Andrew has built an impressive amount of muscle over the past year and especially during the last transformation contest.

Adonis Index Transformation After A ScottAdonis Index Transformation A Scott After

Each day you need to find your motivation and find what works for you. Along the way some people will support you and some people won’t. It’s up to you to find your motivation on a daily basis and keep pushing through no matter what obstacles life throws at you.

In todays podcast we talk to Andrew Scott who placed in the money in our last contest as he built an impressive amount of muscle.

Andrew talks about going through two contests now and the fact that if you stick to your guns you’ll eventually get to where you want to go.

Above all you gotta do it for you, and not for anyone else.



Download the Transcript –> Finding Your Motivation Interview Andrew Scott

