Archives for September 2013

The Adonis Transformation Contest AT12 starts today!

The Adonis Transformation Contest AT12 starts today!


Any male who owns an Adonis workout is eligible to enter the Adonis Transformation contest. There will be prizes for the top 10 contestants accompanied by a podcast interview  with John where you can share your story and pictures of success.  It is not a requirement that you are an immersion customer, but it happens to be that our most successful contest winners have used the immersion coaching.

If you have placed in a previous AT contest you are eligible to enter the contest to win in the Cover category.  There will not be prizes for this category but you can interview with John and share your story of continued success and pictures.  These pictures could be chosen for one of our covers.

The contest entry requirements will be:

  1.  Any  male who owns a Adonis workout
  2.  Front pose
  3.  Side pose
  4.  Back pose
  5.  Newspaper pose – same as front pose but with current days newspaper front page clearly visible in your hand.
  6. Your weight, height, shoulder, and waist measurements at the time of the photo.

It is very important that for your front, side, and back poses your arms are down at your sides but not covering your waist. Do not crop out your face.


Here is a perfect example of a contest entry (Michael is one of  our previous contest winners).   Front, back, and side images with  newspaper picture.

Here is a perfect example of a contest entry (Michael is one of our previous contest winners). Front, back, and side images with newspaper picture.

By the way, here is one of Michael's stunning contest pictures.

By the way, here is one of Michael’s stunning contest pictures.

The contest entry period is: September 2nd thru September 6th

This means you must submit all of the contest entry requirements anytime during the week.  The  deadline for the contest entry submissions will be this Friday at midnight Eastern Time on September 6th.

The entry photos must be taken during the week of Sept 2 – Sept 6 and the newspaper front page much show the date during this week.


Adonis Transformation Contest Entry Tutorial Video

Please feel free to contact me if you have problems with the tracker program:

Best of luck and remember to enjoy the transformation journey !

Your Brother in Iron,

Allen Elliott


