Archives for 2013

Questioning Metabolism

Questioning Metabolism

Chad Frakes 1st Place - Front Before/After Photos

Chad Frakes is one of our contest winners who knows how to walk the line; pushing hard with nutrition and workouts yet allowing his body to recover so he can keep a healthy metabolism.


What is metabolism?

  It’s a vague term.  It is the sum total of the various chemical functions in our body, not the calorie cost of those functions because that’s your metabolic rate, but your metabolism is actually how are all those functions working and are they working properly?   Most people are actually interested in their metabolic rate.

 There are many different ways to measure this and the outcome will be different for each method, but at the end of the day it doesn’t really give you what you need to make a change to your body.

 Generally people think that a higher metabolism is better or that a higher metabolism feels more energetic.  In fact people can’t really even feel metabolism.  

What you really want is a healthy metabolism.  Mainly all you need to do is avoid exhaustion and systematic fatigue.

People push themselves too hard with both a calorie deficit and exercise, get fatigued, and then blame their metabolism.  What they really need to do is stop pushing so hard without giving their body a chance to recover.

 Don’t try to make too much happen too soon.   Exhaustion is in your control, metabolic rate is not.

 To hear more about what John and Brad have to say about metabolism and metabolic rate click on the link below.

IMMERSION Clients May Login and Download Podcast Here

Not an Adonis Index IMMERSION client? Click here to find out more… and hear a weird story too

AT12 12-Week Transformation Winners Announced

The AT12 results are in and the transformations our guys made are simply amazing! This was the largest contest we’ve had yet… The competition was fierce and the contestants were judged in a total of five equally weighted categories:

1- Weight Loss (LBS) – 20%

2-  Adonis Golden Ratio (AGR)  Transformation Change -20%

3-  Final AGR Score- 20%

4- Muscularity- 20%

5- Aesthetics/Photogenic Quality – 20%

Congratulations to everyone who entered and completed their transformation goals! Here are the winners:


Chad Frakes – 1st Place


Chad Frakes - 1st Place - Front Before/After Photos

Chad Frakes – 1st Place – Front Before/After Photos

Keith Coomes – 2nd Place


Keith Coomes - 2nd Place - Front Before/After Photos

Keith Coomes – 2nd Place – Front Before/After Photos


Jon McManus – 3rd Place


Jon McManus - 3rd Place - Front Before/After Photos

Jon McManus – 3rd Place – Front Before/After Photos


Harold Shim – 4th Place


Harold Shim - 4th Place - Front Before/After Photos

Harold Shim – 4th Place – Front Before/After Photos


Tyler Ellis – 5th Place


Tyler Ellis - 5th Place - Front Before/After Photos

Tyler Ellis – 5th Place – Front Before/After Photos


Audie Harrison – 6th Place


Audie Harrison - 6th Place - Front Before/After Photos

Audie Harrison – 6th Place – Front Before/After Photos


Elliot Mould – 7th Place


Elliot Mould - 7th Place - Front Before/After Photos

Elliot Mould – 7th Place – Front Before/After Photos


Richard Geary – 8th Place


Richard Geary - 8th Place - Front Before/After Photos

Richard Geary – 8th Place – Front Before/After Photos




Tyson Harker – 9th Place


Tyson Harker - 9th Place - Front Before/After Photos

Tyson Harker – 9th Place – Front Before/After Photos


 Joseph Riggs – 10th Place


Joseph Riggs - 10th Place - Front Before/After Photos

Joseph Riggs – 10th Place – Front Before/After Photos

If you are wondering about what program(s) they used then check out the Adonis Index systems that all of them followed. You can also look forward to their interviews coming up later this month. Again congratulations to everyone, outstanding job.

Vote for Allen – A True Adonis Spokesmodel!

Today’s post is about Spokesmodels…

So you may ask, what exactly is a spokesmodel?

A spokesmodel is someone who is an attractive or otherwise appealing person who is hired to speak on behalf of a company or product.

As you know, Allen Elliott is on our team here at Adonis and he’s been selected as a Top 20 Semi-Finalist for the 2014 Spokesmodel search. He is a National Level Men’s Physique competitor and of course he’s got a perfect Adonis Golden Ratio!


Vote for Allen - A True Adonis Spokesmodel!

Vote for Allen – A True Adonis Spokesmodel!


We’re asking you for your support to go vote for Allen as the next BodySpace Spokesmodel and give the world a bit more exposure to a true natural Adonis Golden Ratio Body!

Allen definitely has the look most guys are aspiring for so let’s give him some support for making the most out of his body and fitness modeling career!

Allen’s BodySpace Username: CaptainHealthy

Vote for Allen here ==> VOTE FOR ALLEN

– John Barban

Questioning Body Fat Percentage

Here’s the next episode of the UNCENSORED Podcasts Season 3.


Questioning Body Fat Percentage


Caroline and Tori are fitness competitors who both got in amazing shape and hit their Venus ratio’s. Both had 23-24% body fat in their legs yet 5-7% in their upper body. The main thing here is everyone, depending on their genetics and heredity, will compartmentalize fat differently on their body. You can’t compare yourself to others.

Caroline and Tori are fitness competitors who both got in amazing shape and hit their Venus ratio’s. Both had 23-24% body fat in their legs yet 5-7% in their upper body. The main thing here is everyone, depending on their genetics and heredity, will compartmentalize fat differently on their body. You can’t compare yourself to others.


What is so important about body fat percentage?

Hydrostatic body fat percentage is the gold standard.  It is the method which every other method is calibrated on.  There are no assumptions; they use just the properties of your body in the water.

What is so important about of your body fat percentage?  It’s a number.

It reminds Brad of eating for calories when you need to lose weight when really you just need to eat the right amount of food to lose weight.  People like to go to an online calculator and find out they are supposed to eat 2712 calories a day as an example, then they don’t lose weight and they think their metabolism is broken.  The calculator just gave them the wrong estimate for their body.  People forget that the body is the end game, not the calculator, chart, book, theory, or what someone else did to lose weight.

The total over all body fat percentage does not tell you a whole lot unless you reach a dramatically low percentage that it is irrelevant.   It’s just like how your overall body weight on the scale doesn’t tell you a whole lot either.

DEXA/DXA is the most accurate and is the key for a health standpoint because it tells you regional fat percentages.

DEXA/DXA is the most accurate and is the key for a health standpoint because it tells you regional fat percentages.


Everyone stores fat differently


Brad and John have a lot of data to look at and today they focused on two female fitness competitors who were both approximately 15% body fat which is very low for females.   This is dramatically low for a woman.   One of them had 6.9% Bodyfat in her trunk (her upper body from the waist up).  The other one had below 5% in her trunk (she had a full set of shredded abs and her back was totally visible).

Tori and Caroline are fitness competitors that places first and third in their respective categories so they were both in amazing shape.  Neither of them looked awkward, they both looked totally feminine.

Both had 23 and 24 percent body fat in their legs.  See the difference between the upper and lower body?  The main thing here is everyone depending on their genetics and heredity will compartmentalize fat differently on their body.

So another female could have 20% in her legs, but maybe 11% in her upper body, and roughly the same overall body fat percentage as Tory and Caroline and look totally different.  If she tries to compare herself to these fitness competitors (or anyone else for that matter) at the same overall body fat it totally falls apart.

Everyone stores body fat in different patterns.  These storage patterns are genetic and you cannot manipulate them.  There are some schools of thought that you can manipulate them with diet but there is no data or measurements that prove this theory.  The theories are purely anecdotal and guess work.  


Don’t let body fat measurements hijack your goals


Setting a goal as a percentage body fat can mess you up.  It is a form of goal hijacking.

If you get down to your golden ratio and then would need to go a lot leaner to get the ab definition it could change your overall aesthetic to not be as visually appealing.  Also total body fat percentage is totally dependent on how much muscle mass is there.  Body fat is relative to your lean body mass.  So if you increase your lean body mass without losing any fat your overall body fat % drops.

Body weight and body fat percentage is only useful if you have a “shape” to go with it or a measurable goal like  Adonis or Venus  Ideal or Ratio.

IMMERSION Clients May Login and Download Podcast Here

Not an Adonis Index IMMERSION client? Click here to find out more… and hear a weird story too

Establishing Lifestyle Patterns: Interview with AT11 Winner Oscar Ramirez

Here’s your new interview with one of the winners from the 11th Adonis Golden Ratio Transformation Contest.

Today John talks to Oscar Ramirez,  who placed  10th in our last 12-Week Transformation contest.

Like many members of the AGR community, Oscar was excited to make a change and when the AT11 contest came around the corner, he deemed it the  perfect opportunity for him to enter.  Oscar had been following the program prior to the start of contest AT11.  However, he was still establishing a lifestyle pattern of how to best implement the AGR System.  Oscar shares with us  his “Adonis Origins” images.  See below:


Oscar Ramirez

Adonis Origins: Oscar Ramirez Prior to Contest AT11


“You only have to wait to the end of the day to satisfy a craving.”

– Oscar Ramirez


What really got the wheels turning toward a successful transformation was intermittent fasting.  He found it best for him to fast throughout the day, having only a cup of coffee in the morning and then meals later in the evening.  At first, he received criticism for this practice, but those quickly turned into compliments as his physique began making dramatic improvements.

Scroll down to read more of  Oscar’s transformation journey in his own words.

But first, check out Oscar’s  AT11 Pictures:


Oscar Ramirez - AT11 10th Place -  Front Before/After Photos

Oscar Ramirez – AT11 10th Place – Front Before/After Photos


Oscar Ramirez- AT11 Transformation Image

Oscar Ramirez- AT11 Transformation Image


Oscar Ramirez - AT11 10th Place -  Side Before/After Photos

Oscar Ramirez – AT11 10th Place – Side Before/After Photos


Oscar Ramirez - AT11 10th Place -  Back Before/After Photos

Oscar Ramirez – AT11 10th Place – Back Before/After Photos


Oscar’s Transformation Essay:

My first challenge was injuring my shoulder at the end of the first week, which took about 4 weeks to heal. Finding alternate workouts, which would not put any stress on it, was not easy. Next, it was quite frustrating to see the scale fluctuate so much. I started a weekend at an ideal weight, and then on Monday was heavier again. It seemed I took 2 steps forward and 3 steps back. Also, lack of moral support was a bit of a downer at first. Some people said I was crazy for ‘starving’ myself and I was losing too much weight too fast and I was getting too skinny. The biggest challenge for me, however, was the eating. I had no problems during the fasting period, but when it was time to eat I found it quite difficult to stay below my recommended calorie intake. I love food, cooking and eating, so that’s been a major challenge all my life.
Fortunately, the accomplishments were far greater than the challenges. First, folks around me finally started to realize that my weight loss was healthy. They started commenting on how good I was looking. Several of them said I motivated them to get more serious about their diet/workout, just from seeing my results. Also, the scale eventually started going down so low that I can’t remember how long it’s been since I’ve been so light; probably early high school years. The biggest accomplishment for me was, however, the reflection in the mirror. It’s as if I’m looking at another/new man, not myself. I’m starting to see definition and muscles that I have never seen in my life. And, it’s not just me; my wife looks at me that way too. I feel and look amazing!



Similar to another AT11 contestant you pushed through your injury and were able to successfully complete the concept.  It was interesting listening to your podcast as you discussed with John Barban about how you enjoyed cardio, yet prioritized the weight training ahead  as you knew that would be the greatest return on your investment.

It looks like your strategy combined with fasting and calorie management paid off!  You were able to take the tools of AGR and customize a lifestyle pattern that best  applied to you.

Congrats again on a successful transformation!

your brother in Iron,

Allen Elliott | Adonis Golden Ratio Ambassador

Oscar’s Transformation Interview:

To listen to Oscar’s transformation podcast interview click below:

How to Build the Room of Improvement: Interview with AT11 Winner Henry Tom

Here’s your new interview with one of the winners from the 11th Adonis Golden Ratio Transformation Contest.

Today John talks to Henry Tom,  who placed  9th in our last 12-Week Transformation contest.  Henry was active in fitness in his early 20’s.  He was an avid practitioner in Martial Arts.  However, when marriage and a new born baby entered his life, workouts and fitness was no longer a priority.  Henry wasn’t overly concerned as he didn’t think he was far off from the mark.

However, when attempts at weight loss became a struggle  for him in his 40’s he began looking for other solutions.  His initial trainers he worked with focused only on strength training, hardly mentioning nutrition.  He experience moderate levels of success when finally working with a trainer who placed emphasis on nutrition.  Little did he know, Henry was on his way to making a successful transformation.

Henry would later stumble upon AGR and found the combination of strength training and sound nutritional advice.  Remembering his prior success when he placed an emphasis on nutrition, Henry decided to enter contest AT11.  He was excited to start the contest when he realized that in order  to achieve his “Ideal” measurements there was room for improvement.


“Improvement begins with I.” – Arnold H. Glasow

Scroll down to read more of  Henry’s transformation journey in his own words.

But first, check out Henry’s  AT11 Pictures:

Henry Tom -  9th Place - Front Before/After Photos

Henry Tom – AT11 9th Place – Front Before/After Photos


Henry Tom -  9th Place - Side Before/After Photos

Henry Tom – AT11 9th Place – Side Before/After Photos


Henry Tom -  9th Place - Back Before/After Photos

Henry Tom – AT11 9th Place – Back Before/After Photos


Henry’s Transformation Essay:

After twelve weeks of working out and eating with discipline, there’s been a change. The whole process has been transformative and educational, as I see how much I can achieve, and how much more I can do! It was worth the time, energy and effort in making life better!




Kudos to you for battling through your injury to make a successful finish in contest AT11. For your valiant effort and staying the course your were able to earn a Top 10 spot in AT11.

As the saying goes, “winners never quit and quitters never win.”

Congrats again on a successful transformation!

your brother in Iron,

Allen Elliott | Adonis Golden Ratio Ambassador


Henry’s Transformation Interview:

To listen to Henry’s transformation podcast interview click below:
