Muscle Building & Fat Loss – How To Gain and Lose

Muscle building is about your workout. The consistency, intensity, workout design and your ability to push past your previous best. Building muscle is largely about your genetics and working within your genetic boundaries. In short, the genetic environment inside your body is the biggest factor that controls your muscle building potential along with your workouts.

Fat loss is about nutrition and handling your food and eating environment outside of your body. Social factors like co-workers, family, spouse, school, holidays and special occasions, the country and city you live in all make a big difference for how your fat loss success goes. The way we eat and the temptation to overeat is a constant battle for many people in modern western societies.

We cover both of these topics in this podcast and show how confusing one for the other can ruin both your muscle building and fat loss results.

Getting them both on target will get you results much faster.


The Simplicity Of Fat Loss

Are you wasting your time thinking about losing weight?

Of all the things in your life that you could be spending mental energy on, burning fat should not be one of them.

Your family, your friends, self improvement, relaxing, avoiding stress, making money, meeting women, how badly you got beat by some punk kid while playing Madden ’09 on-line…all of these things deserve more of your time than fat loss.

Here’s a straight-up cold, hard fact –

Since the day you were born, your body has known EXACTLY how to burn body fat.

Unless you have some ultra-rare metabolic disease, your body is already AMAZING at burning body fat…you just have to give it the opportunity.

It does not matter how many books on fat loss you read, how many articles you review or how may experts you question, this will not change how well your body burns fat.

If you give it the opportunity, it will do exactly what it is built to do.

So do yourself a favor, eat a little less than you need to, then step back and watch your body do its job.

You have better things to do with your time, than to read about how to do things you are already an expert at doing.

Fat loss can be incredibly simple, if you let it be.

