Archives for September 2009

Balance – The Key To Success

Balance is a key underlying theme to the way you and I are built as human beings in our physical, mental and emotional states.

This balance also translates into career, relationship, family and social balance as well. You cannot cheat the balance scale of life.

If you put too much weight in any one area the scale will eventually tip and you will have a life changing crash. To illustrate my point lets look at each aspect separately:


Poor diet and zero exercise is a sure fire way to send yourself to an early grave and look lousy along the way.


Too much food isn’t good because it causes obesity, heart disease, diabetes, arthritis and a bunch of other problems. Too little food can leave you malnourished and cause disease of malnutrition (luckily nobody in modern industrialized countries have to worry about this second point)


A lack of exercise will lead to accumulating fat and weak muscles and bones. Too much exercise will break down your joints and cause overuse injuries like tendonitis, and stress fractures.

Career vs Social:

All work and no play has actually been shown to drive people towards a depressive state, however all play and no work leaves you broke and unfulfilled with your life.

Girlfriend/Wife vs The Boys:

There always has to be time for your buddies and time for your girl. Putting too much emphasis on either one will simply drive the others away. I’m sure I don’t need to explain this any further as we’ve all known that guy who dropped all his friends for a girl (and then came crawling back after she dumped him)…and we also know that guy who had a great girlfriend that left him because he spent all his time boozing with his buddies and totally neglecting her.

Whether or not you’ve ever thought about it this way, this is in fact how we are built. Everything in your body and in your life functions on a theme of balance.

The longer you go with any part of your life out of balance, the bigger the potential crash and the longer the road back to restoring it.

I want to hear from you if you don’t mind offering some moments of clarity when you’ve realized you were out of balance and brought it back to center. If you would be so obliged put your story in the comment section.

I’ll get the ball rolling with my revelation that I was living a destructive life back when I wanted to be 275 pounds of muscle. I was living an unsustainable life that was affecting my health and my relationships. I eventually accepted the fact that I couldn’t just be as big as I wanted to and discovered a better way to exercise and take care of my body. (incidentally thats when I figured out the Adonis Index Workout and the Adonis Effect)

But along the way I ended up losing a girl and losing a job to figure this all out. That was a pretty steep price to pay.


Facebook Fiasco – High Gravity Revisited

Hey, do you remember that post I put out yesterday on “The Return Of The High Gravity Male?

Well, let me tell you what happened to me earlier today to illustrate why all of this is important to you.

You see, earlier today I was on Facebook checking messages when a chat box pops up from a woman that I really don’t know.

Now, on its own, that’s no big deal as I get random friend requests all the time from people that follow me over on Twitter… so that’s nothing new.

And, if I’ve got a little time, I’ll generally chat with people for a little bit just to be social and get to know others because, quite frankly, you just never know when a person could be a valuable contact.

But today was different.

Today, the woman… who I’ve never chatted with my whole life tells me how she’s in trouble.

How she’s just been robbed at gunpoint over in London and she has no way to cover her hotel bill OR get to the airport to get home as the thief took her purse.

And she’s all despondent and in need of a hand.

About 850 bucks worth of a hand.

And she keeps promising she’ll pay me back.

(Oh, and she wants me to send the money Western Union)

Now, let me tell you what I did.

First, I clicked over to her profile to try to get a feel for who this person is, after all, I need to know if I’ll get my money back, right?

Well, I find out she’s engaged (weird that she’s asking me for dough, and not him) and that there is NOTHING on her profile about her that I can see.

No decent pics showing her with other people (social proof), no interaction with her by others… virtually NO way for me to be able to tell… get this… IF THIS WAS EVEN A REAL PERSON OR NOT!

Trustworthy – heck, I didn’t even know if she was REAL or if it was a scam at this point.

And it SUCKS that I had to think that way because I KNOW that crap happens to people and that they need a hand…

… and even though I wanted to believe that this person really needed my help, my head told me something different…

… so I didn’t help.

Because this woman had no gravity with me.


You see, and it really hit me today.

You have to ask yourself, if I was in a spot, how fast could I get 1000 bucks up? 10,000 bucks?

Could you make a call and 5 minutes later have it in your hand? Could you get it taken care of on gravity “credit” or even ‘payback’?

Would people ask you questions or just be like: “No problem, just get me back when you can”

Because it’s GONNA happen to you at one point.

So you gotta be prepared.

On, another note, John’s got a cool post coming tomorrow and we’re recording the “How Much Food To Build Muscle” podcast tomorrow as well… it will be up Monday.

p.s. Even though it may not seem so, how you look can make a difference in every 1st impression you have. Think about it, people either HAVE to deal with you or WANT to deal with you.

Help them, help you. Pick up Adonis today. Only $4.95 to test out our systems.

Return Of The High Gravity Male

This is something that I’ve been wanting to write about for some time now… and in fact, I’ve had bits and pieces of this rolling around my head for the last few months, just waiting for an opportunity to chime in on what I feel is one of the most important concepts… as a man… you should wrap your mind around.

And that concept… is… “GRAVITY“…

(and yes – I’m coining a new term here when I talk about ‘gravity’… and how it relates to your success in life)

For all practical purposes, “gravity” is the amount of “pull” or “core influence” a person has on his or her peers.

Quite frankly, it’s a measure of power and ultimately comes down to not only IF you can get people to do what you want them to do, but at what magnitude.

Some may confuse this with “status”… but I assure you, “gravity” and “status” are not the same.

You can have a lot of status, yet people ignore you when it’s time to influence them to do what you want done. For example, celebrities have “status”, but only a few get the endorsement deals due to the amount of perceived “pull” that person has with the core demographic that the marketing group is targeting.

Also, make no mistake. “Gravity” is not a selfish measurement… and in fact, men with high gravity tend to be quite unselfish in their behavior – looking out for people, doing high level favors, etc.

“Gravity” just IS.

And why would I bring this up right now – and more importantly, why would you even be interested in the concept?

Well, as you know, one of the core fundamentals of Adonis Lifestyle, Eat Stop Eat, and even the Adonis Effect is for you to live your life. But, in living your life, these programs and systems have been developed to help you get a specific physiological result, yet STILL be able to do what you want socially.

This is important.

When it comes to fitness and diet advice, you see a lot of demonizing as far as foods and activities are concerned. Eat this, not that… exercise this way, not this way.

No coffee
No alcohol
No meat
No carbs

… all of which can have a profound effect on your social life in general.

Think about it.

If you want to ask the cute girl out for drinks… well, you can’t because you’ll look weird.

A coffee date? Negatory

Hitting a high level dinner discussing a critical point of emphasis with your biggest clients? Pass the carrots please. WTF?!?

Seriously, if you don’t want to drink because you don’t like the way it feels, then that’s cool. But if you’re doing it because you want to drop a few pounds… I’d say you’re crazy because there is – in fact – a way to drink alcohol and lose at the same time.

If you don’t like the way chicken tastes… perfect, don’t eat it – eat something you like.

Here’s the truth: Social pressures determine diet and fitness success MORE than most would believe.

But do you know what the messed up dichotomy of the situation is?

ALMOST EVERYONE I KNOW WORKS OUT, DIETS, RUNS, WALKS, in order to ULTIMATELY increase the amount of core influence they have over other people.

– a man breaks up with a woman… whats the first thing that happens (works out more)
– guy gets bumped around in a elevator, decides he needs to “bulk” up to get respect
– guy talks to woman in bar and gets shut down… well, you get the picture

So, if the whole idea of you working out, dieting, and getting in better shape revolves around you increasing your “gravity”… why in the hell would you engage in activities that would TAKE AWAY from your opportunities to connect with others.

I know this next statement is going to bring the hellfire, but I can say this with absolute conviction and after seeing and talking to literally THOUSANDS of people all across the United States while I co-owned a health club promo company…

… men that make fitness stuff THEIR LIVES, have FAR LESS gravity among their peers than you would imagine.

And, just as my friend Stephen Nash said in his post:

“If meeting, dating or relating with women, and the improvement of this area in life, is your NUMBER 1 priority you are already screwed”

… I’m going to put this out there and let the haters have their field day.

“Unless your goal is to be a PROFESSIONAL in diet, health, or fitness… if this is your NUMBER 1 priority in life, you’re screwed… PERIOD”

You can kiss your social life goodbye.

All that core influence and gravity that you’re looking for:

POOF! Gone in a puff of smoke.

Because you can’t build connections and increase your gravity living like a hermit.

So, in talking about this whole “gravity” deal – and rolling the idea around in my head, I’ve decided that it’s time for VOLUME 2 of the Weapons Of Mass Influence Series to be introduced:

==> “Return Of The High Gravity Male”

Naturally, it’ll be free and I should have it available in the next couple of weeks for you to feast your eyes on.

This report will bridge the gap that a lot of you are looking for and will reveal some of the cool fundamentals about core influence I’ve haphazardly discovered in my life, with 2 or 3 of them NEVER being discussed anywhere else before…

… I think you’ll enjoy it.

But for now, just remember, the role of fitness, like women… isn’t to BE your life.

It’s a part of your life… a part that you work INTO your life and WITH your life.

Not the other way around.

And, as John Barban told Brad Pilon today as I wrote this (great minds think alike, huh? lol):

John Barban: The entire industry is built around teaching people to try and use/manipulate massive lifestyle changes in order to make minute physiological system changes

Brad Pilon: yep

John Barban: In other words, OVERHAUL your life on the outside, in order to try and change a few calories worth of fat burning or a pound or two of muscle building on the inside.

Comments? Clarifications?

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Coaching Athletes Is Easy, Squats And Deadlifts Are Hard

The other day, John and I jumped on the phone and he pushed the “record” button once again.

We’re gonna turn this into a weekly/bi-weekly podcast once we get some consistency… but the fact is that every time I talk to Barban or Pilon, we end up talking about some really interesting stuff.

Today’s Podcast… called “Coaching Athletes Is Easy, Squats And Deadlifts Are Hard“, I end up grilling John on:

  • Why it MAY or MAY NOT make a difference if your coach/guru/cool dude has ever coached high level athletes when determining who to give your money to
  • Why John considers Squats and Deadlifts “High Risk, Medium Reward” Exercises
  • Plus a lot more

Give this thing a listen and pound your comments and questions in below and we’ll knock ’em out… one by one.

(Oh yeah, and buy our stuff… lol)

Oh, and if for some reason the player doesn’t play, just download the file to your computer.

Are You Overtraining or Simply Underconditioned?

The Adonis Index workout program doesn’t look like most weight training programs. One of the things that seems to catch peoples eye is the breakdown of the daily workouts. It seems that many people think it might be too much, or maybe too often.

So I often get questions about overtraining, and if this program somehow will lead you to overtraining. This however raises a much bigger question, and that is “what is overtraining”.

Overtraining is actually poorly defined in the scientific literature. It seems to be a state of exhaustion that combines a feeling of fatigue, general weakness, sometimes even getting sick flu like symptoms, and an inability to perform exercise or physical activity at your previous level.

I guess the simple description would be feeling exhausted, tired, sore, restless and under the weather.

So how much exercise will get you to this point? The short answer: A LOT!

In most cases overtraining is only seen in elite level athletes who are training at the very peak of their physical ability. To actually get into this state of overtraining you would have to be doing maximum levels of intensity, frequency and volume.

In other words, working out 6-7 days per week, 1.5-2.5 hours per day, and pushing at world class intensity.

Unless this is a good description of your weekly workout schedule, you’re most likely never going to experience true over training.

What most people call ‘overtraining’ is simply ‘Underconditioning’.

Underconditioning is the simple matter of trying to do more exercise than your body can currently handle. For example if you just started weight training today, almost any amount of lifting will make you very sore. And you will most likely not be able to push very heavy weights yet.

This doesn’t mean you’re over training if you try to do more work, it just means that you’re not accustomed to it yet. As you build up your strength, power and endurance you will be able to handle more and more weight, sets, reps and intensity.

2 workouts per week, will soon become 3, and then 4 per week. 35 minute workouts can be extended to 45 and eventually 60 minutes and longer.

Working out multiple days per week on the same muscle groups will not cause over training. But if you’ve never done it before you’ll have to ease your way into it. This means starting with less sets and lighter weight at the beginning, and then adding sets, reps and intensity over time.

This is how true progress is made.


P.S. The Adonis Index workout system is designed in a way unlike most other programs, but that is also why it is so effective. Check it out here:  Adonis Effect Workout

Dr Manhattan Is Jacked!

I hope your week is going well. We’re changing up a lot of things here with the Adonis Effect and Adonis Lifestyle as a whole so expect more and more content to hit this blog over the next few weeks.

(We’ve also got an emergency teleseminar planned for next Wednesday on “How Much Food Does It Take To Build Muscle” as well… more on that later)

But for now…

… so I finally broke down and rented “The Watchmen” on the ‘ole box the other day… mainly because I was interested in this blue dude that they kept showing in the commercials.

If you’re not familiar with the movie, basically, there’s this guy that gets zapped by nuclear rays and ends up turning into this all powerful being named “Dr. Manhattan” (kinda similiar to the Incredible Hulk in a way).

But that’s not what really interested me. Actually, not even close.

You see, this character in the movie is RIPPED.

And apparently, when creating the character for the movie (who is supposed to be a perfect being so to say), they actually thought of using the Vitruvian Man as the model… but ended up using body shots from a guy that does a lot of commercial modeling and has an awesome AI himself.

Of course, the Vitruvian Man is solely based on a perfect Adonis Index as well as other “perfect” Golden ratio relationships.

Interesting, huh?

Anyway, I have my new role model/bodyshape that I’m aiming for… and you’re looking at it above… lol.

(Oh, and for the record, I need to get more pics up showing the changes from my last Facebook “photo” shoot. My AI has increased since then because my waist has decreased quite a bit.)

What do you think?
