Archives for 2009

Grown Man Game (with Scot McKay)

We get lots of questions on a day to day basis from professional guys that are looking for a “grown man’s” approach to dating and/or relating to the opposite sex…

… and, of course, we listened.

Let me introduce my good friend, Scot McKay.

McKay is a guy that you want to listen to as his approach to dating and marriage is as “mature” as it gets. No games, no gimmicks… just hard hitting advice that hits the CORE of who you are.

No matter if you’re married, have a girlfriend, or are just plain single… the words that flow out of his mouth will resonate with any man that’s over 25 years old.

So give this a listen.

In this podcast, we discuss McKay’s new project… called “Chick Whispering“… and how to understand what quality women REALLY want in a GROWN MAN.

You won’t be disappointed.

Stay cool,


p.s. Check out McKay’s Chick Whispering… he’s got some really cool knowledge you’ll get a lot out of, no matter your situation.

How an Adonis Index Workout is Designed

At a glance, most workouts look very similar, with a bunch of numbers and words on a page. But if you take a closer look, there is much more than meets the eye to a well designed workout.

Some of the elements that should be in a well designed workout program include:

-Macro, meso, and micro-cycled periodized intensity volume and frequency.

-Balance stimulus throughout all major muscle groups.

-Progressive overload.

-Periodic overreaching to overcome plateaus in strength.

-Combination of strength, hypertrophy and strength endurance training.

-Specific rest intervals and exercise ogranization.

There are other components, but these are some of the major ones and in today’s podcast, we’ll explain how and why we put them into the Adonis Index Workouts.


p.s. This discussion not only applies to the core Adonis Index Workout, but all of the other workouts in the AI curriculum as well.

Christian Hudson Interview – How To Be UNBREAKABLE

I think I really sell these interviews short in these little descriptions… lol

(and this one will be no different)

In todays, podcast… I interview none other than the “Social Man’s” Christian Hudson.

Now, you may have heard of him before, and that’s because I’ve sent you emails about some of his cool products like:

Unbreakable (confidence and killer “inner game”)

Conquer Your Campus (ruling the college scene)

Today, you’re going to learn a little about:

– the dichotomy of male self improvement

– the difference between being attractive and “convincing”

– how being non judgmental and having healthy boundaries INCREASES your social status and life

– and even a really cool technique called “paint the picture” which virtually guarantees you’ll never have a conversation dry up on you again

So give it a listen, this is EASILY better than some of the things guys charge for 🙂

Stay cool,


p.s. If you’re looking to get rock solid confidence and “inner game”… check out UNBREAKABLE

Naturalistic Fallacy and How to Find Experts

There are many self proclaimed ‘experts’ in the field of human health, nutrition, exercise and relationships. But how do you know if these people really know what they are talking about?

Credentials is at least a start but isn’t the only thing to look at. Do the experts practice what they preach? On the other hand are they preaching too much about too many things they couldn’t possibly know about?

It seems to be that so called experts start to preach about more things than they are capable of knowing and quickly revert to the naturalistic fallacy to explain concepts outside of their area of expertise.

In this podcast we’ll discuss how many people revert to the naturalistic fallacy as a way of explaining away things they just don’t understand about human nature/biology/psychology.

We’ll also talk about a practical way to tell if an ‘expert’ really knows what they are talking about or if they’re just full of hot air.


Weird “Flaw” Of The Adonis Effect

Here’s that cool little report I’ve been promising you this week.

“Weird Flaw” of the Adonis Effect

Now, the reason I wrote this little ditty is because a LOT of guys have been writing in with questions relating to how things CHANGE when you get the body you want. We know things change – thus the reason for the “Best Adonis Story” contest in the transformation contest (ends this month).

But, there’s a factor that many guys aren’t aware of that may hurt you when you get closer to your “ideal body”.

This is my attempt to explain when you may see… if you’re not careful.

Enjoy, and let me know if I need to explain anything further.

Stay cool,


6 Pack Abs Myth

< == Notice The 6 Pack Abs

You know, there’s a lot of jockeying around by the health and fitness industry talking about the “magical” properties of 6 pack abs.

And, naturally, I think it’s a little misleading.

In this video, I talk about why I think the supposed main “benefit” of 6 pack abs is misleading…

… and what is MORE important for you to understand instead.

(It has to do with “cream”… and the 80/20 principle)

Stay cool,


p.s. Agree, disagree? Let’s talk about it.
