Archives for 2014

Unstoppable Confidence & The New “Me”: Interview w/ AT-14 Winner Adam G. [driftbouncer]

Here’s your latest essay interview with 3rd place winner  Adam G. from the 14th Adonis Golden Ratio Transformation Contest.

Adam G. 3rd Place AT14 - Front Before/After Photos

Adam G. 3rd Place AT14 – Front Before/After Photos


Adam’s Transformation Interview:

1- What workout or nutrition routine did you do before Adonis Golden Ratio (AGR) System? What kind of results did you get?

Before finding the AGR system I really didn’t follow any nutrition plan. I simply tried to eat foods that were healthy and limit those that were not. Over time this strategy did not work as I continued to slowly put on fat. As far as workout routines are concerned I followed many different ones over the years with minimal results. The real problem was not necessarily the routines themselves rather it was the fact that I never gave any one routine 100% dedication. I either did not follow the routine long enough or tried combining several routines into one.


Side BnA

Adam G. 3rd Place AT14 – Side Before/After Photos

 2- How did you find out about AGR?

I found out about AGR from a fellow named Kyle Leon. I had been following his work out and nutrition routine ( very loosely might I add) and it was a good routine just not for me. Kyle sent an email out with a link to AGR and the rest is history.

3- What was most appealing to you about AGR?

The most appealing thing to me about AGR was it’s simplicity. Food wise you could eat most things you want within reason as long as I stayed withing my weekly caloric needs. As well all the workouts are laid out for you focusing on the areas that really mattered to me to get the body I desire.

Adam G. 3rd Place AT14 - Back Before/After Photos

Adam G. 3rd Place AT14 – Back Before/After Photos

4- Were there any concepts or approaches you were skeptical about?

I think in the beginning I was a little skeptical about the idea of not bulking up first in order to put on muscle. I was of the mindset that what I weighed was really important and had some reservations about losing a lot of weight fearing I would lose muscle as well. In the end this was not the case and I have learned weight is only a number, what I look like is really what matters.

Adam G. 3rd Place AT14 - Transformation Image

Adam G. 3rd Place AT14 – Transformation Image

5- When did you decide to jump on board full fledge with AGR?

When I discovered AGR I spent a lot of time reading everything I could about the system and the people behind it. The more I read the more interested I got. The philosophy behind the nutrition and workout plans just really appealed to me. The AGR system just made sense. It focuses on the body parts that matter in order to achieve the body I desire and the nutrition plan allowed me not you give up the foods I love. For me it felt like a recipe for success.

6- When did you first decide to enter an Adonis Transformation (AT) contest?

This was not the first time I entered an AGR contest, I believe this was my fourth try. But this is the first time I actually submitted my after photos. All the other times I pretty much talked myself out of submitting the photos. I told myself that I was not good enough and it was not worth sending in the after pictures. Those other times I looked much the same as in these after photos the only difference this time was was my mental approach to the situation. Even though I am still not happy with my after photos (I am truly my biggest critic) I said what the hell, what do I really have to lose? Now after the fact I am so happy I followed through and sent in the photos.


Adam G. 3rd Place AT14 - Transformation Image

Adam G. 3rd Place AT14 – Transformation Image

7- What was your experience going through the AT contest? Challenges that came up? Things you didn’t expect?

My experience going through the AGR contest was generally a good one. The hardest part for me by far was how light I was getting. Even though I was looking better and better in the mirror I felt like I was pushing to hard and could be losing muscle mass. In the end I realized  I was still as strong as ever (perhaps a little stronger) and that weight is just a number. I have never felt better.

Adam G. 3rd Place AT14 - Transformation Image

Adam G. 3rd Place AT14 – Transformation Image

8- How did people react to your transformation? Positives and negatives (if any).

Family and friends by far are the harshest critics. Many family members have told me that I look sick and need to put weight back on. Even my wife thinks I am to thin and would like me to put more weight on. Let me tell you, when the people closest to you are all telling you over and over how bad you look it was tough at times not to give in and just quit what I was doing. But I was not about to give up and used the negative comments as fuel to keep going because as far as I was concerned I looked and felt great. I also realized these comments were not meant to be hurtful my family and friends were just not used to the new me. As soon as I looked different than people around me were used to they thought I did not look right. On the other hand anyone who does not know me would not think I look sick at all. I know it will take time for those around me to adjust but I can assure them that I am healthy and feel great.

Adam G. 3rd Place AT14 - Transformation Image

Adam G. 3rd Place AT14 – Transformation Image

9- How do you react to the “Brand New” you? Have you noticed changes in your outlook and attitude in general.

I like the new “me” very much. I still have a little fat to lose and some muscle to gain before my physique is golden but I know I will get there. Over all I feel great and my confidence is higher than ever. I may not be the biggest guy around but when the shirt comes off I think I look pretty good. Also completing the competition and placing third is a huge boost to my confidence and helps justify to myself all the hard work I have put in and that there are others out there that think I look good too.

Adam G. 3rd Place AT14 - Transformation Image

Adam G. 3rd Place AT14 – Transformation Image


Editor’s Note:

Hey Adam,

Congratulations on your transformation to a brand new “you”!  It was refreshing to hear how your mindset changed for this particular contest and you decided to submit your “after” photos.  A decision well made, earning yourself a “Top 3” finish in contest AT-14.  Also big kudos to you on hitting some of the bodybuilding “mandatory” poses.

I can tell you’ve been practicing them. Because of this, we look forward to featuring you on some of our upcoming AGR covers.  Keep pushing on towards your quest to “Golden” and I’m sure your unstoppable confidence will guide the way!

your brother in Iron,


Adonis Spotlight:Tales from a True Insider — “Why Average Is Ok”

Tales from a True Insider


Today’s special post is the latest installment of the Golden Eye for the Adonis Series.   Because it’s Friday and The Goal Is Frequency (TGIF) we are shining the Adonis Spotlight on one of our community members.

I’m pleased to announce a special guest post from Eric Weinbrenner.  Better know by his True Insider Handle, “eweinbrenner.”


EWeinbrenner: True Insider and One of our Top Bloggers in the Community

Eric Weinbrenner: True Insider and One of our Top Bloggers in the Community

The Adonis Community truly is an awesome resource to help answer the questions of those just becoming familiar with the AGR Program.  Veterans of the community are more than happy to lend sound advice and support one another in their journey to “Golden.”

While browsing the community earlier this week, I happened to stumble across a Blog of Eric’s and was simply blown away by his content.

Here is a sample blog entry from eweinbrenner that has transformed into a guest post!


 How to Look Awesome: Why “Average” is OK

When it comes to building muscle and getting in shape-being “average” is OK. Getting-and staying-in great shape is also a lot easier than most people believe (or would like you to believe). Before you disagree and point to the bazillion articles on the web arguing that building an awesome body is full of complicated formulas and endless hours in the gym–Let me explain.

First, we need to define a few terms, or perhaps ideas, that are essential to understanding–terms and ideas that nearly everyone in the fitness industry (fitness “gurus”, your average meat-head, and perhaps even you) tend to ignore.

The first idea that needs explanation is “building an awesome body.” There are many different ways to say this, some choose to express the idea by “building muscle” or “losing fat”, but these all really mean the same thing–trying to achieve a certain look.

What is an “awesome body”?

I would suggest that 99% of guys out there are working out, primarily, to build an awesome body. Or, at the very least, that’s why they started working out.
It would make sense, then, that people know what an awesome body looks like–considering this is their primary goal for working. Surprisingly, the idea of actually qualifying what an “awesome body” looks like  is extremely difficult to nail down–but I have found it really comes down to two images of male body perfection that are presented as “ideal” in the fitness industry.

As part of my thesis during my undergrad seminar course, I evaluated a few of the sales letters for the top selling online muscle-building products. Included were products by Mike Chang, Ben Pakulski, Zach Even-Esh, and Rusty Moore.

I chose these specific products because I think it is a good representative of the fitness industry and the authors are names that most fitness-junkies will recognize.

To avoid re-hashing a 25+ page paper (and boring you to death), I will break down my findings to this precise statement: There are two forms of an “ideal” or “awesome” male body portrayed in the fitness industry. One is the roided-out, massive bodybuilder look and the other is the more lean, athletic look associated with hollywood actors.

Most guys who workout consistently tend to use one of these images as their ideal-look–whether subconsciously or consciously.

My take is that most guys do NOT want to achieve the look of the “roided” out bodybuilder, but rather would prefer the lean, athletic look (which is, of course, what is exemplified within the AGR community).  Sure, there is a certain dominance that makes the idea of being  “massive” and “insanely huge” appealing, but when being honest, most will agree that this is not what is attractive to women or something they truly desire to look like.  Brad Howard has also provided numerous examples of data that support this idea that more muscle, or bigger muscles, isn’t equivalent with being more attractive or respected.

I go into all of this detail to define what I believe constitutes an “awesome body”, because I want you to be aware that you are likely, on some level, to be bombarded with conflicting messages about what your ideal body should look like. 

This is important because I know what it feels like to constantly feel like you should have bigger muscles, weigh more, or look like a roided-out bodybuilder in order to be a “real man.” I struggled with this for years, until I finally realized that wouldn’t be my best look, or even what I want to look like. I have simply been misled by the ridiculous marketing of what I consider a dark-side of the fitness industry.

Your Best Body

I have some news for you–news that some consider unfortunate, but I would suggest is actually freeing: If your goal is to look like the huge bodybuilders that grace the covers of fitness magazines and are placed alongside internet articles of all the major online fitness sources; you need to do 1 of 2 things (or both):

1. Go back and be reborn with different parents–preferably those of John Cena or The Rock.

2. Take steroids.

Number 1 is obviously not going to happen, so that leaves the second option–steroids. I personally have never taken steroids and never plan to, so if this is something you are interested in, please go find someone who can provide information related to that.

So… the vast majority of us will never look like the guys in fitness mags…. should we just give up?

Absolutely not.

In fact, this is one of the most freeing realizations one can have, because building your best body–your version of “awesome”, is so much easier than what it takes to pump your body full of steroids and spend every waking hour in the gym.

Most of us not only don’t want to be as big and massive as bodybuilders; most of us don’t even want to be bodybuilders–we just want to feel confident when we go to the beach and take our shirts off. You don’t need to be “bodybuilder lean and muscular” to turn heads at the beach and look awesome–and achieving levels that are good enough to do so doesn’t take nearly as much work as many believe.

Dedication and consistency?  Definitely. But directing one’s whole life to training and obsessing over everything you eat or dropping hundreds of dollars on supplements each month? Not even close.

Many of the complicated formulas, expensive supplements, and marathon workouts are things that may matter if you are trying to get “insanely big” and compete in a show–but are not necessary to build an awesome looking body naturally.

Why Average is OK

So when I say crazy things like: “being average is OK”, I’m referring to “average” in terms of the fitness industry–and I’m being completely serious.

Let’s say Arnold Schwarzenegger, in his prime, is the ideal physique–the top-of-the line “awesome” that every man could aspire to; getting 80 or 85% of the way there is still awesome–and that’s all any of us will be capable of naturally and without committing every aspect of our lives to all things fitness.

This is confirmed all of the time in the AGR community. Look at any of the past contest winners or any of the guys who have reached Golden–do they look awesome? Yes, absolutely- but do they have the level of muscular development of Arnold or pro bodybuilders? Typically, no.
The vast majority of of guys who reach Golden would still be considered “average” when compared to a pro-bodybuilder if we buy the idea that being “massive” and “stage-ready” is the ideal look, as is often portrayed in the fitness industry.
So… is this a rah-rah, “you’re special in your own way” call that everyone is OK just as they are and no one should push themselves to get better? Am I telling you to embrace mediocrity?
Definitely Not. 
This doesn’t mean we stop setting goals or stop striving for improvement–it just means we keep things in perspective. It seems that all too often guys are reaching Golden AI measurements and still feel inferior–when this is the case, it may be time to refocus on what we are really trying to achieve and trusting in the system that will deliver YOUR best body.
The guys here at AGR have done a great job of reframing what the ideal “look” is, but we need to continually remind ourselves that we are NOT trying  to achieve the look that is often heralded as perfection the fitness industry
When looking at most of the images that we consider male-body perfection and look at to see if we “measure up”–pictures that are taken in perfect light by a professional photographer, when the person who is in the picture spent days preparing specifically for that photo shoot, and in pictures that may, or may not be digitally altered–and then feel inferior when we look in the mirror–it’s no wonder most guys feel like they suck at fitness and need more dedication, more supplements, and more time in the gym with the “perfect” workout.
But instead of responding by feeling inferior, we should respond with a sense of freedom–freedom knowing that we don’t even need or want to look like those guys–and that “average” is OK.
eweinbrenner's Transformation Pics

eweinbrenner’s Transformation Pic
So when I say crazy things like: “being average is OK”, I’m referring to “average” in terms of the fitness industry–and I’m being completely serious.


Wow Eric! Way to raise the “Adonis Bar” for the rest of us. You touched on a lot of great points in your post.  From avoiding “goal hi-jacking” to affirming the source of a man’s true  sense of  self-confidence when it comes to having an awesome body.

We look forward to hearing more from you in the future!

Well that’s all for now, hope you enjoyed the Adonis Spotlight.

Have a great weekend!


your brother in Iron,

Allen Elliott | Adonis Transformation Coach

P.S. If you want hear more from Eric you can reach out to him in community here. 

Hold The Rope! Final Countdown to AT-15

Final Countdown to AT15: “Hold the rope! -- let it burn but don't let go!"

Final Countdown to AT15: “Hold the rope! — let it burn but don’t let go!”


In the last remaining days of AT15 it’s imperative that you maintain your pursuit towards that “Golden” transformation.   Many will be making their final preparations this weekend or have already done so.

Contest Photo Submissions for AT15 will be due no later than Monday November 24th at midnight Eastern Standard Time.  AT15 is trending to be our largest competition to date based on the number of contest entries.

For many contestants, this is the first workout program that you’ve followed consistently.  Thank you for your commitment to the Adonis Golden Ratio Program and more importantly for your commitment to your own personal goals.

The time of this particular contest concludes near the end of the year and is our final scheduled transformation contest for 2014.

Here is a brief recap of some of our transformation winners from earlier this year.

AT13 TOP 3

Stuart Barton - AT13 - 1st Place - Front Before/After Photos

Stuart Barton – AT13 – 1st Place – Front Before/After Photos

Michael Rutz - 2nd Place - Front Before/After Photos

Michael Rutz – AT13 2nd Place – Front Before/After Photos

Robin Andersson - AT13 - 3rd Place - Front Before/After Photos

Robin Andersson – AT13 – 3rd Place – Front Before/After Photos


AT14 TOP 3

Ryan Law AT14 1st Place - Front Before/After Photos

Ryan Law AT14 1st Place – Front Before/After Photos
Mike De Oliveira AT14 2nd Place - Front Before/After Photos

Mike De Oliveira AT14 2nd Place – Front Before/After Photos

Adam G. 3rd Place - Front Before/After Photos

Adam G. 3rd Place – Front Before/After Photos



Every year we have transformation contests in which the Top 10 transformation contestants are recognized for their achievement in staying committed to their fitness goals.

All these contestants have one thing in common. No matter how tough it became throughout their transformation, they did one thing — they held the rope!  What is “holding the rope?” Imagine that you are hanging from the edge of a cliff with a drop of twenty thousand feet. The only thing between you and a fall to your death is a rope, with the person of your choice on the other end. That person on the other end is the AGR system which includes our awesome community members.  When the going gets tough, you can rest assured that we have the guts to pull you to safety.  Whether it be a clarification with nutrition or a mental stumbling block which is overcome by encouragement, motivation, and/or AGR coaching.   Rest assured, all you have to do is “Hold The Rope!”

You see, the person that holds the rope when the going gets tough is a winner. When you’ve had a long day at work and choose to go to the gym afterwards that is a “winning” decision.  If you are frustrated and have lost the willpower to track your calories come and visit with some of the members in the AGR community.

In a matter of speaking, they will tell you they have been where you are, just “hold the rope — let it burn but don’t let go!”

Win or lose, remember that your transformation is a personal achievement and you should be very proud of your accomplishment.

In a previous post, I discussed the Four Key Ingredient necessary in order to become “Photo-Shoot Ready” on command.

Those ingredients are:

1. Conditioning

2. Posing

3. Tanning

4. Photography/Lighting

Keeping these concepts in mind will help you capture some amazing images of your new & improved physique.

In conclusion, to all my brothers in Iron, I hope you’re enjoying living the Adonis Lifestyle and to those contestants in AT15, come November 24th, I look forward to congratulating you on your transformation!

If you have any questions on the contest email me at:


What does it feel like to over eat? Uncensored Podcast

What does it feel like when you've had enough food?

What does it feel like when you’ve had enough food?


What does over eating and having just enough food feel like?

What does a normal day of eating feel like?

When do you realize it?

What about when the damage is already done?

How can we learn before the damage is done?

What does it feel like slightly?

What does it feel like to eat the right amount?

How do you tell when you are done for the day?

How do the food guides help?

What is the different in the feeling from just a couple hundred calories under VS the same amount over maintenance?

What are the three ways to eat?

What can you do to learn how to know for sure?


Listen to what John and Brad have to say about this topic:

IMMERSION Clients May Login and Download Podcast Here

(If you are using Adonis Index Mobile, go to the left menu -> My products -> right menu -> Uncensored Season 3 -> enjoy, you can assign star to add it into Favorites for easier access next time, if you don’t have access to Uncensored Podcasts you can purchase Immersion Package inside the App Shop)

Not an Adonis Index IMMERSION client? Click here to find out more…

Train Hard, Finish Strong! Interview w/ AT-14 Winner Michael De Oliveira [Mike]

Here’s your latest essay interview with 2nd place winner  Michael De Oliveira from the 14th Adonis Golden Ratio Transformation Contest.

Mike De Oliveira 2nd Place - Front Before/After Photos

Mike De Oliveira 2nd Place AT 14 – Front Before/After Photos


Michael’s Transformation Interview:


1- What workout or nutrition routine did you do before Adonis Golden Ratio (AGR) System? What kind of results did you get?

I followed my own training programs that I had designed myself (I am a qualified personal trainer). I got fairly good results with these, but it was nice to follow another workout routine that I hadn’t designed in order to do something different, as well as get good results with that too, of course.

 2- How did you find out about AGR?

I first found out about AGR through Brad Pilon. I subscribe to his emails and was a follower of Eat Stop Eat so received an email with a link about AGR one day. I read through the site and thought it sounded good so bought the product to check it out and I’m glad that I did!

3- What was most appealing to you about AGR?

I liked the fact that there was a specific goal to aim towards. With most bodybuilding programs, even though proportions do matter to a certain extent, the goal is to just try and get as big you can with no real set numbers to aim for. It’s obvious that certain body shapes are more aesthetically pleasing than others, so it just made sense that there was an ultimate finite goal to try and achieve rather than just aiming to get as big as possible.

4- Were there any concepts or approaches you were skeptical about?

Not really, no. As I say, it made perfect sense whilst reading about it, and everything was thoroughly explained and backed up by evidence so there was nothing I felt particularly skeptical of.

Mike De Oliveira 2nd Place AT 14 - Back Before/After Photos

Mike De Oliveira 2nd Place AT 14 – Back Before/After Photos

5- When did you decide to jump on board full fledge with AGR?

Probably a few years ago (I can’t remember the exact date but I’ve been following for quite some time now). I still do go back to my own programs every now and then, but I’ve agreed with the AGR principles ever since first hearing about them so I will always pay close attention to any updates and things going on within the community.

6- When did you first decide to enter an Adonis Transformation (AT) contest?

I believe it was AT2 if I remember rightly? I must admit that I have actually entered quite a few contests, but this is only the second one I have managed to properly see through to the end. For some of the contests I had genuine reasons for not being able to finish, but most of the time I just couldn’t seem to find the willpower to stick with the diet. I somehow managed to find it for this contest however, and so it goes to show that perseverance does pay off in the end!

7- What was your experience going through the AT contest? Challenges that came up? Things you didn’t expect?

During the first few weeks of the contest I followed the workout but didn’t start dieting too hard (if at all, really). I actually went on a clubbing holiday to Ibiza for a week at the beginning of June, but once I came back I properly got into my nutrition and resumed training hard for the remainder of the contest. It was all fairly manageable until the last two or three weeks when being in a caloric deficit, training hard, starting a new job and my diminishing social life started to take it’s toll. Thankfully I was able to stick it through to the end this time though before succumbing to four bits of birthday cake at a friend’s birthday BBQ!

Mike De Oliveira 2nd Place AT 14 - Side Before/After Photos

Mike De Oliveira 2nd Place AT 14 – Side Before/After Photos

8- How did people react to your transformation? Positives and negatives (if any).

Surprisingly enough, I have found that I’ve actually received a lot more negative comments/remarks/etc. from my transformation than I was expecting to get. Nothing too horrendous; just not always the positive comments I would have thought I would have received (especially from family and friends). Thankfully a big amount of the feedback has been good though, with most people not even commenting at all as I don’t really look any different until I take my shirt off.

9- How do you react to the “Brand New” you? Have you noticed changes in your outlook and attitude in general.

To be honest I don’t really see this as the “brand new” me. I see it more of a stepping stone to where I want to be, and that I still have a bit of a way to go before I get there yet. With that being said, I’m definitely feeling more positive in general and happy that I’m no longer carrying as much fat around as I once was. I haven’t decided whether to enter the next contest or not yet as I’m enjoying the break from dieting and will probably just try and maintain as much of these results as I can for now. I do know, however, that I definitely want to have another go at a contest in the future, and am determined to eventually reach my golden A.I.!

Editor’s Note:

Hey Michael,

Glad to learn that you’ve been with us for a while.  I commend you for never losing site of your goal despite not finishing previous transformation contests.  It seems like the right alignment kicked in for you during this contest to allow you to continue training hard and sticking to your nutrition despite attending an overseas trip and cake & BBQ back home.  Too bad to hear some reacted negatively to your transformation.  People often put-down or dismiss things they do not understand.  Nevertheless, you have an awesome transformation to show for it and we look forward to seeing your “Golden” physique in an upcoming contest.

your brother in Iron,

How does the 80/20 rule VS Icing and Cake fit into Diet and Fitness? Uncensored Podcast

How does the icing and the cake fit into diet and fitness?

How does the icing and the cake fit into diet and fitness?


What is the cake and what is the icing?

What is the core of fat loss?

When do the little things about diet matter?

No matter what your goal what is the most important factor?

What about when you are stuck or on a plateau?

How much do you need to maintain?

What about what you need for fat loss?

How much do you really eat?

What are the three ways to eat?

When do the macro’s matter in your diet?

What the icing on the cake with workouts?

What is the cake?

What is the root of all of this?

When is playing with the icing beneficial?

What is finally the bottom line?


Listen to what John and Brad have to say about this topic:

IMMERSION Clients May Login and Download Podcast Here

(If you are using Adonis Index Mobile, go to the left menu -> My products -> right menu -> Uncensored Season 3 -> enjoy, you can assign star to add it into Favorites for easier access next time, if you don’t have access to Uncensored Podcasts you can purchase Immersion Package inside the App Shop)

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