Diet and Fitness; a Moment In Time

Here’s the next episode of the UNCENSORED Podcasts Season 2.

Today’s topic:  Diet and Fitness; a Moment In Time

The amount of activity these people did make all of us in 2013 look lazy by comparison no matter how much you think you exercise.

The amount of activity these people did make all of us in 2013 look lazy by comparison no matter how much you think you exercise.


Diet and Fitness; a Moment In Time

The current view of what is necessary or acceptable from a diet and exercise standpoint is largely dependent on your surroundings and the era you’re living in.

Modern western industrialized societies can be described as ‘obesogenic’ as there is an abundance of cheap high calorie density food combined with a highly sedentary workforce. On a daily basis it would be easy to consume triple the amount of calories you burn, and many people do.

But has it always been this way?

How much more activity did people really do before the industrial revolution and could we really eat 4000-5000 calories every day without gaining weight? Is it possible to eat that much food and still be healthy?

We review a research paper that examine what life was like in the Victorian era in England. The amount of activity these people did make all of us in 2013 look lazy by comparison no matter how much you think you exercise.

They also ate significantly more calories than we do now, and didn’t gain weight. They were what we would call healthy and didn’t have the modern lifestyle diseases that we see today such as heart disease and diabetes.

This research from the Victorian era sheds some light on just how little exercise we really do, and how much more we’re really capable of. It also shows how your society and surroundings play a big part in how active and ‘fit’ you will likely become.

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The Hierarchy of Diet and Fitness Needs; Redefining the Fitness Pyramid

Here’s the next episode of the UNCENSORED Podcasts Season 2.

Today’s topic:  The Hierarchy of Diet and Fitness needs; Redefining the Fitness Pyramid


Evaluating The The Hierarchy of Diet & Fitness means; Redefining your Personal Fitness Pyramid

When it comes to establishing “The Hierarchy of Diet &Fitness” one must first redefine their own “personal” fitness pyramid.


John and Brad discuss how to look at your health and fitness needs.  Nutrition, supplements, ability to lose fat, ability to gain muscle, and ability to train are all interrelated.  It all works together.  Small things effect other things and then can escalate to hinder your goals.

In today’s UNCENSORED training, you will also discover:

  • How to identify inhibitors
  • The difference between “effort” & “exhaustion” when training in the gym
  • How to mitigate and avoid stress
  • Determining the best time to workout
  • How to train through an injury and adopt a recovery strategy
  • Identify which supplements will work for you

In conclusion, when it comes to establishing “The Hierarchy of Diet &Fitness” one must first redefine their own “personal” fitness pyramid.

IMMERSION Clients May Login and Download Podcast Here

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“State of the Adonis Union” Inaugural Address by Allen Elliott

“The State of The Adonis Union is getting stronger.  And we’ve come too far to turn back to the couch.” – Allen Elliott, Adonis Lifestyle Ambassador

My Adonis Lifestyle Journey began when I made the Watch List in Contest AT3. I received tremendous support from members of the AI/VI community to pursue my fitness endeavors. After winning the AT7 Open Level 2 Contest Category I'm inspired to support and motivate others to begin their own Adonis Lifestyle Journey.

Hello, my name is Allen Elliott and I’d like to share my “Adonis Lifestyle” Story with you. While stumbling upon the Adonis Index website over three years ago, I could’ve never imagined the incredible amount of success and personal satisfaction this system has provided for myself and my fitness endeavors. As an ex-athlete, I’d hear the horror stories’ of guys who started off in great shape only to be de-railed later in life & never recovering.  Now that training for performance was no longer a goal or requirement, I was desperately looking for direction.  I found the Adonis Index Systems  to be straightforward and applicable to anyone desiring to improve their overall “Look” as opposed to specific performance training.

After completing the First Week of Workouts, I took the plunge and never looked back.  Training exclusively with Adonis Index Systems, I have competed and placed with top honors in Natural Bodybuilding/ Men’s Physique Fitness Competitions, graced the runway in several prominent fashion shows, and have published work as a fitness model. Following the Adonis Lifestyle has given me unstoppable confidence to pursue my fitness goals with a relentless tenacity.

Allen Elliott | Fitness Model Comp Card || Credits: N3K Photo Studios | Bertron Anderson Photography | Michael Martin Photography

When John contacted me and asked if I would like to become a guest blogger on the site, I was deeply honored and graciously accepted his offer. My Goal while giving back to the Adonis Index Community is to: Supply, Train, and Build.

Supply–As a guest blogger, I will post helpful tips for contest preparation, provide insight on making the transition from an AI Contest to a “Live Show”, and share updates from my Journey in the World of Fitness Modeling.

Train–I’ll also be active in the AI forums to chat with members about training styles, body-part specialization within the AI system, and any other topics that may arise that I can help with.

Build–Preparing for the road ahead, John and myself are masterminding to bring you the next Adonis Index workout.  This advanced workout will show you how I prepare for Fitness Competitions and Model Photo-Shoots, Adonis Index Style.

As we carry forward the plans and programs to better help you achieve your fitness goals I’d like to remind you to enjoy your fitness journey, the results are worth the effort. Stay Tuned! The best is yet to come.

Allen Elliott

Steroids The True Stars of Bodybuilding and Fitness

The true stars of bodybuilding, pro and amateur sports and fitness competitions aren’t the people, it’s the drugs. Many top athletes, bodybuilders, fitness models and even celebrities are on some combination of various physique enhancing drugs.

The following list is just an example of some of the drugs a typical bodybuilder might use to build muscle or reduce bodyfat.

Oil based testosterone injectable

Water based testosterone injectable

Testosterone derivative tablets (dianabol, anadrol, anavar etc)

Injectable testosterone derivatives (deca durabolin, winstrol, primobolan)

Growth Hormone injection

Insulin injection

IGF-1 injection (insulin like growth factor)

Oral clenbuterol tabs/liquid

T3 (thyroid hormone)

HCG (Human chorionic gonadotropin)

Diuretics (oral and injectable)

This is by no means a comprehensive list, but rather the most commonly used and popular ones.

Bodybuilders are the extreme and set the stage for what the upper limit of use and abuse is. From there fitness/figure models, pro athletes and celebrities who use drugs will be using some lesser combination of the same drugs that bodybuilders use. This is the trickle down effect from the extreme.

In todays podcast we discuss how pervasive drug use is in bodybuilding circles and how it’s obscures our perception f what we think it an attainable ideal body shape, size and proportion.


P.S. For a good example of a steroid free bodybuilder vs a known steroid user check out this link: EUGEN SANDOW

Health, Fitness, BMI, and AI…Are They Connected?

Health and Fitness are poorly defined terms and can only really make sense when you apply your own personal definition. With that said there are general definitions that most people will accept as having at least something to do with both health and fitness.

Health seems to have something to do with reducing risk of premature death and disease, namely having favorable blood markers for disease such as total cholesterol, HDL, LDL, HDL/LDL ratio, Triglycerides, glucose, insulin, blood pressure and heart rate.

Beyond that, reduced stress and how you feel in general are probably the most important indicators of health.

Fitness on the other hand seems to refer to movement and capacity to be active.

So far there isn’t one measurement that indicates health AND fitness, until now.

I think the Adonis Index ratio might the one measurement that indicates both health and fitness.

In recent years height to waist ratio has gained favor over BMI as a better indicator of health and disease risk for lifestyle disorders such as cardiovascular disease, obesity, and diabetes.

But height to waist ratio doesn’t say much about fitness. I think the addition of the shoulder measurement and thus the Adonis Index ratio is a more complete measurement of both health and fitness.

Having and healthy and fit body is synonymous with having a body that other people will admire.

In todays podcast we discuss:

1. What health means and how we measure it

2. What fitness means and how we measure it

3. What the look of a healthy body is

4. BMI vs Height to Waist Ratio vs Adonis Index Ratio as markers of health and fitness

5. A personal health perspective vs a global health perspective

6. What to do when you’ve made a big time change in your health and fitness


p.s. Here is the awesome thread in the forum that we talk about in the podcast (there are multiple pages, click through to the 2nd or 3rd page for the cool before and after’s).

p.p.s. (Brad edit) Something’s up with the comments, I’ll get them fixed today hopefully)

Diet, Workout, Health? What Defines You?

There are many ways you can be defined, some of them you can’t control like your height, age, race, where you were born. But there are many other things that you CAN control, like your career, education, how you conduct yourself in your relationships and your body shape.

When it comes to influencing the look of your body things like your workout and your eating pattern are simply tools and not a definition of who you are, but the health diet/fitness industry try to convince you to define yourself in these terms.

With a closer look you will realize that terms like “health” “nutrition” and “fitness” have no meaning without the specific meaning you give to them. Each one is a personal definition that you alone should make.

In this podcast we’ll discuss:

1. The definition of Health

2. The definition of Fitness

3. What defines you

4. How the ‘health and fitness’ industry uses ambiguity to sell you things you don’t understand

As long as you allow someone else to define each of these terms for you, you’ll always be susceptible to another new diet or fitness marketing fad.

Define yourself.

