Archives for July 2012

9 Pounds Muscle Gain Since His Last Contest

Today we have an interview with Vivek who placed 3rd in our latest Adonis Index Transformation Contest.

The topic of this interview is muscle gain and how quickly it can happen.

Check out his pictures:

Make sure you set up good lighting or book a studio for the shoot.

This is the second time Vivek has placed in one of our contests.  To make matters more interesting, this is Vivek’s first year of weight training.

After the first contest, Vivek was very lean, however,  his  muscles were still undefined  and his abs weren’t visible.

For the second contest, he chose to focus on muscle gain; ensuring that any future weight gain would be from muscle and not fat.

He followed the Main AI 3.0 workout for the contest followed  by MBF.  He also recorded his DEXA scan measurements every four weeks to track his progress.  His training efforts  yielded a steady increase of 1-2 pounds  in lean body mass every month during the contest itself.

Vivek’s philosophy was, “you don’t know the change if you don’t know the data.”

Unfortunately, despite Vivek’s progress,  he developed tennis elbow and had to stop training to recover completely.  However, he continued his DEXA scans and observed that there was no change while he was receiving from the elbow issue, which is proof that muscle growth doesn’t occur when your body is resting, but only as a response to training (like some so called “experts” would have you believe).

Your muscles remain in an anabolic state because of the work performed and not your protein intake.

All that matters is the amount of work you did on that muscle group.

With this realization and experience, Vivek decided to do 10 workouts a week. Why? Simply because more work equals more muscle.

For his morning routine, he did the Hyperthrophy and Strength modules from the main workout; in the afternoon, he chose Strength Endurance and Specializations for his weaker areas like abs, chest or hamstrings.

Lots of people do some kind of cardio in the afternoon, however if you take away the health benefits, then you are really doing it for the calorie burning, so why not add some weight training instead since the usual cardio doesn’t stress the muscles?

And the bonus is that you will still get some health and conditioning benefits from the Strength Endurance workouts too, so it’s kind of win-win.

Double the Work, Double the Gains

Vivek doubled the work, made sure he followed the rest periods and took DEXA scans every four weeks to track progress.

Did double the work translated into double gains?

Since we interviewed him a few month after this contest he was prepared to share the results…

And the answer is…YES!

In the first month of doing this he gained 2.9 pounds of lean body mass, he kept doing that for another month and he gained another 3 pounds.

This was after the contest, but still part of his Adonis transformation and the results are just astounding.

And Vivek is not the only one who tried doing the workouts more often, one of our previous contestants Adam Murphy did the same thing.

Now, should you also work out twice a day?

Well, the answer is “It depends”.

If you are just starting out then the regular program as it’s laid out will be more than enough, also if you follow one of the more advanced protocols from the Adonis systems, then you won’t be able to add much more on top of that.

But if you went through the AI workouts at least once and you are familiar with how they work, then you can play with it, and maybe just like Vivek, do two per day instead of one, well at least if your lifestyle allows you to do that.

Ice Cream as Pre-Workout Meal?

Vivek has a pretty unique pre-workout routine. He likes to grab an ice cream, for no other reason than that he enjoys it. Now if we take the regular ice cream that Vivek gets it’s roughly only 150 calories (about two apples worth), so no big deal, but he was driving people nuts in the gym. Imagine everyone pounding protein shakes and pre-workout drinks and then Vivek walking in the gym at less than 6% body fat and ice cream in his hand.

What they didn’t realize was that their shakes probably had more calories than his small ice cream.

The point is, you can eat whatever you want. If you keep some balance in your diet and limit the amount, then there is no reason why you couldn’t have an ice cream before your workout.

Forget about the bad foods goods foods dogma and focus on the basics that really matters.

Take Lots of Photos

Here are a couple more photos of Vivek:

Vivek’s back muscle development over the months.

…And a few more:

Once you are at it and doing the photoshoot, make sure you take some pictures with your casual clothes, those photos can be handy.

Tips from Vivek:

  • “Use the permission to lift light approach”
  • “Make it a goal to stay away from injury”
  • “Lighter weights (still challenging though) in the combination with high reps can help you keep your joints healthy and will improve your strength endurance”
  • “AI approach works, at 38 years old I’m experiencing growth that’s similar to  juvenile muscle growth that only guys in their teens and 20s typically get”
  • “If your lifestyle and fitness condition allows it, train more often”
  • “Stop killing your time in front of TV and get to the gym, it’s a great stress reliever”
  • “Focus on building muscle without gaining fat mass”
  • “The name of the game is TRACKING, if you’re not tracking you’re likely not progressing”
  • “Learn the basics of dressing and body language to present yourself and your new body properly”

Links from the interview:

  • Main AI Workout – Workout protocol responsible for one of them most amazing transformations online
  • “MBF” – Muscle Building foundation is designed to help you gain size and optimize your AI ratio

Read Vivek’s experience with Adonis Index in his own words:

Competing in AT7 was essentially the challenge of increasing muscle mass while still keeping my fat mass low.  I had lost a lot of fat and had very low body fat percentages by the end of AT6. 

I started off with MBF right after completion of AT6, the week after thanksgiving.  Being able to eat at maintenance gave me a lot of energy to give it all I had with MBF.   When I started off MBF, my squat and Bench numbers were relatively low.  However by the end, I had almost doubled…Continue reading here

Listen to the interview here, and please “like” it when you’re done:

5-Step Formula to Ensure You Get Ripped

Often the secret of an amazing body transformation is not in thehow-to.  It’s in the why-to.

Although the ‘how-to’ is vitally important. A  powerful ‘why-to’  will carry you past all the obstacles that life throws in your way on a daily basis.

So, if you’re serious about getting the body of your dreams then you need to dig deep and find a reason for doing it that’s bigger than your ego. That will be your insurance policy for reaching your goals.

Staying strong for these guys is my deeper motivation for getting and keeping my Adonis Index.

By now, if you’ve been reading any of the articles on this site, you’ve probably gotten the message about how great the Adonis lifestyle can make you look. That is, if you get the system and actually use it.

You’ve seen the dozens of men from the ages of 18 to 60 who have had amazing transformations with jaw dropping results. And if that wasn’t enough, you’ve heard their inspiring podcast stories of how they often overcame huge obstacles to finally arrive at the body of their dreams.

Just seeing the transformations of these ordinary men into Greek  gods was enough to make many of us immediately order the program and then head to the gym. That, and the no BS approach of John Barban are what made me take action.

But I’m here to say: “Just wanting to look incredible is not a big enough reason to take you all the way to your goal”.

The desire to have a killer body is a strong emotional motivator. Who doesn’t want to have a body that is the envy of all their friends plus a powerful magnate to the opposite sex? That’s a no-brainer.

But most likely you will encounter traps and obstacles along your journey to a better body. And if you don’t have a bigger motivation than just looking good with your shirt off,  you’re gonna  fall off the wagon faster than a cowboy in a greased saddle.

So today we’re going to talk about how you can discover your deepest motivational force, while developing  a strategy to get around any obstacle that gets in your way.

The ‘Do It For Them’ Exercise

OK, get out paper and a pen, or open a new word document. No whining.

Just do it.

Next, make a list of all the people who would directly benefit from you getting stronger and healthier and happier.

Think about it for a while. This could be one of the most important things you do. So, turn off the music or anything else that’s making noise, and take some long deep breaths to quiet your mind chatter.

Step 1. The List

Think about the people that are closest to you. Write all their names down on your list. Put their names in a column on the left side of the page.

Take your time. The more complete your list is, the more reasons you’ll have to reach your goals.

Include people who may not even be in your life yet: your future spouse, future children or grand-children, even in-laws if you’re feeling generous.

Step 2. The Benefits

Then, to the right of each name, list all the ways that person will benefit from you being the happiest, healthiest, strongest, long living-est version of yourself.

This is where you need to dig the deepest. Imagine the difference you would make to the quality of their lives. Think about all the big and small things you could do for them, and all the ways you would inspire them to be the best they can be.

Here is picture of Gav (one of the guys in our Adonis Community). He is a big inspiration and a role model to his son.

Step 3. Show Me the Money

So, what is all this worth?

Assuming that regular exercise  adds several years to your life,  how much is an additional 7-10 years of life worth to you and your loved ones.¨?

I’m serious. Put a dollar value to all those benefits you are giving your family and friends. Benefits like more hugs, more smiles, more support, inspiration and guidance. A strong shoulder to lean on, and a strong hand to lift them up.

If it’s worth doing it has value. And if it has value you can measure it in dollars, pesos, euros, or rupees.

So, make a column on the right hand side of the page with the monetary value of the benefits your transformation would give to each person. And then add them up with a total at the bottom.

That total is your estimate of how much your transformation is worth to those that are closest and dearest to your heart.

Step 4. The Excuse Buster

Now you have a powerful document that can propel you past any obstacle that gets in your way or any excuse your mind might dream up.

But in order to work, you must review this list periodically so you’ll remember your true priorities. I recommend reading your list at least once every couple weeks or more often depending on what kind of challenges are going on in your life.

This will re-focus your mind on the bigger picture of why you are getting into great shape and the value you are creating to others when you do that.

It will also inspire you to get creative when obstacles pop up.

Step 5. Use the Adonis Forum

OK, you’ve made your list. You’ve uncovered your deepest, most potent reasons for attaining and maintaining your ideal body.

What more can you do to insure your success?

Two words: social support.

Hang out with hundreds of others who have the same goals, the same challenges and the same victories as you. Transformations have literally been made and saved because of advice and support given on the Adonis forum.

I have benefited greatly from it personally, and I haven’t found a friendlier, more respectful fitness community on the internet.

There is power in shared purpose, knowledge and experience.

Use it.

In Summary:

  • In order to get the body of your dreams, you’re going to need a bigger reason than just looking good naked, even though this is a pretty good one, it’s still not enough for most people to stick to the plan and actually achieve their goals
  • Finding your ‘why-to’ is the secret that will propel you past all obstacles and excuses
  • The ‘Do It For Them Exercise’. Make a complete list of all the people that would benefit from your transformation
  • Next to their names, list all the ways that person will benefit from a happier, healthier, stronger you
  • Show Me the Money: put a monetary value to each of those benefits and total it up
  • Review this document every two weeks or more often to keep your priorities straight
  • Make use of the social support in the Adonis forum to insure your continued success
  • And remember that failing to plan is planning to fail

Joe Weaver

3 Weeks to go in AT8 12-Week Transformation Contest

There is only 3 weeks to go in the AT8 12 week contest. The past 9 weeks have probably felt like they flew by, and the next 3 are probably going to feel like a grind, and thats normal.

The finish line is in sight.

The finish line is now in sight, and at this point some people feel like they need to try harder to make more happen. Don’t fall for this sort of thinking. Consistency from one day to the next is the key for the contest and that doesn’t change now.

It doesn’t matter how smooth or not so smooth your path to this point has been, all you have to do is stay on plan and make these last 3 weeks your best 3 weeks.

Take some pictures right now and try to recognize things you can address in the next 3 weeks. This would include posing, posture, tanning, lighting (if you’re not booking a full on photoshoot), pumping up vs not pumping up for pictures. This can help you decide where to put some attention over the next few weeks to present your best look.

Final contest submission pictures, measurements, and essay are due by Sunday Aug 12 at midnight EST. You can submit at any time durning the week leading up to Sunday Aug 12th. Final submissions are to be done through the contest dashboard where you submitted your ‘before’ pictures and measurements.

Special not for the 20 week competition.

Those people interested in competing in the 20 week competition can submit pictures for the 12 week competition and continue on for the remaining 8 weeks. You will be eligible for placing in both competitions.

Those of you interested in submitting pictures to be a AI cover model – we will be accepting pictures throughout the year whenever you’re ready. Transformation pictures are also eligible to get a cover.

Next monday we will be back to our regularly scheduled interviews.



3 Dirty Lies of Chasing “Confidence”


I’m CONFIDENT I can’t toss this “bell” over the 17′ bar like the Highland Games pros do…

About 2 weeks ago, Greg had asked me if he could write an article on “confidence”, how to get it, what it’s not, and more.

Initially, I was a tad squeamish about the idea, mainly because I was concerned he may write about how traditional mainstream media describes how to get confidence…

… which I personally view as an exercise in mental masturbation. Fun to do, yet never gets you anywhere and many times has you feeling worse about yourself than when you started.

However, once I gave it a read, I told him to run it – because he knocked it out of the park!

Afterwards, I decided I wanted to do a quick follow up with a few mistakes I see people make when chasing “confidence”. I narrowed it down to 3 of the most important ones I could think of. They are:

1. Confidence is NOT a precursor to success, it is the RESULT of it.

I’ve made this argument a few times. “Confidence” isn’t what people are attracted to… it is what that confidence IMPLIES.

Having confidence is like having battle scars. A person knows you’re a successful warrior if you have a lot of battle scars, yet are still alive.

Confidence works in the same way. When someone interacts with a person with grounded confidence, you inherently assume (“Halo Effect”) the other person has SUCCESSFULLY navigated trials and tribulations. You get a good feeling the other person has what I consider the big 5 parts that make up “confidence: self ESTEEM, self RESPECT, self WORTH, self BELIEF and most importantly, self TRUST.

You don’t magically gain these qualities… you EARN THEM. You WORK for them. You OWN them.

So a big part of confidence is successfully navigating a PROCESS – and understanding what value that has. As an example, having a great body generally instills confidence in the other person, yet it’s not the RESULT that gives confidence – it’s the WORK that went into it COUPLED with the result.

Case in point, many of the guys I know that have used steroids are generally NOT confident people, because they KNOW that they basically “cheated” their way into the body. They have the RESULT, but they know if they take away the steroids, they take away the results. This is where you can see the “impostor syndrome” rear it’s head again due to the fact that they didn’t really CONQUER the issue at all.

(it’s like winning to lottery versus earning the money, one you were given a fish and are afraid to lose it because you KNOW there’s no way for you to get it back, the other you know you can start over and EARN it back if need be)

However, what if you HAVE put in the work and seen success, yet as a whole aren’t “confident”?

Here’s something to consider:

Smart and talented people tend to DEVALUE their abilities, because they ASSUME everyone else is at the same level. Contrary to this, those that are typically inept or unqualified tend to OVERVALUE their abilities. In other words, those that should be confident in their abilities generally are not, while those that SHOULD NOT be confident in their abilities generally ARE.

(since it’s election year, one could make a sound argument that many politicians fall into the OVERVALUE category… as an example)

This is known as the Dunning-Kruger Effect.… (and understanding this has helped me personally, a LOT)

Naturally, this affects your sense of self worth.

Therefore, it helps to take an inventory of your talents and successes – so you can understand you really ARE a bad ass.

(Side note: another thing about getting a great body CORRECTLY is that the success is very OBVIOUS, especially when you compare to others. You know you’ve created something within yourself of VALUE – because people tell you so, and people also treat you differently)

Now, what I’m talking about isn’t mental tricks or CONVINCING yourself you’re awesome (which seems weird… if you have to say you are, you AREN’T in my opinion). It’s about UNDERSTANDING your value – not making up FAKE value for yourself…which leads into…

2. Quit chasing the SYMBOLS of confidence and status when it’s easier just to go for the REAL THING.

It’s no secret: men’s self confidence is positively correlated with their perceived status level in society. And much of that is tied to his work and/or life’s mission.

However, many people chase the SYMBOLS of confidence and status instead of just focusing on getting results and increasing your status level as a whole.

Things such as:

Using steroids to “get the body”
reverse engineering confident or “alpha” behaviors (things such as taking up more space as an example, taking up space is a by product of confidence, it doesn’t CAUSE you to be confident, long term)
putting up big weights in the gym, for the sole purpose of telling others (competitive powerlifting is different, many are VERY confident people because they are acting in perfect alignment with their goals)

Basically, instead of DOING to achieve confidence, many are looking for the secret “trick” that will make others THINK they are confident. Plus, most of these SYMBOLS actually bring the wrong people into your life as a whole, and sadly you KNOW they are there basically because of the SYMBOLS, so what REALLY does that do to your self esteem?

As an example, I used to have a lot of really nice stuff… and I knowingly bought it for the reason above.

You know, the whole “fake it til you make it”.

The problem was, I was so busy FAKING IT and because of the energy and focus demands of keeping up that charade…

… I wasn’t MAKING IT.

That’s the danger of SYMBOLS. Pretty soon, the goal isn’t to be happy and confident, it’s to maintain and grow the layers of bullshit you’ve created for yourself.

(I’ve since sold almost everything “symbolic” I owned. I’m actually happier now, believe it or not)

Now, there’s nothing wrong with fake it ’til you make it. The problem is many people forget the “til you make it” part.

Remember that, because this often can lead into…

3. Confusing “confidence” with “arrogance”

When you are confident, all of your actions come from a place of STRENGTH.

When you are arrogant, your actions come from a place of weakness.

An arrogant viewpoint is “never care what others think”.

A confident viewpoint is “what other’s think is FEEDBACK, and it’s up to me to acknowledge and act on that feedback or not”

Here’s the deal, you DEPEND on others for your survival. PERIOD.

Therefore, what they think about you does matter. Now, people don’t have to necessarily LIKE you or your viewpoints, yet if they RESPECT you as a person, things just work out.

(As an example, plenty of people disagree with some of our viewpoints and/or personalities. For example, some dislike me, but like Barban and Pilon. Some dislike Barban, yet like Pilon and I. However, because people RESPECT what we are trying to do, our products and services still get sold.)

And so I think the whole “never care what people think” is really a “don’t worry if people agree with you”… in context.

In essence, just like with many other “self help” issues, in the attempt to gain confidence, many people resort to arrogance. It’s like people go from one extreme to the other. Instead of “building” confidence, they resort to PROJECTING confidence through arrogance.

Does arrogance work?

Absolutely. It’s better than the alternative of feeling beat down. And at least it’s taking action and trying to impose your will on the world. Unfortunately, it’s also a bandaid (or training wheels) solution. Many times, it’s the continuing attempt to PROVE something to yourself and others.

It’s also overshooting the bow.

Confidence is quiet and humble. Arrogance, loud and obnoxious.

Arrogance is great for short term flings, be it business or pleasure. (people always find out the truth!)

Confidence is LONG TERM.

So give these some thought if you feel like you need to work on your confidence levels. Trust me when I say there is NOTHING WRONG WITH YOU.

Remember that “confidence” is a STATE of being based on a history of navigating tough waters, getting results, and from also understanding the VALUE of those results.

Confidence is a state based on DOING… which is a fun coincidence, since we’re judged based on what we DO and how we ACT more so than anything else.

Confident people create VALUE for themselves and others… that, my friend, is the true secret of it all. Store that in your noggin or tape it to the fridge, it will serve you well… I promise.


p.s.  This may sound weird, but I reread my own articles from time to time.  It’s odd how simply reminding yourself of certain things helps to keep you aiming in the right direction…

Counter Contraction: The Adonis Row

If your goal is to build muscle mass then the point of lifting weights isn’t to simply move as much weight through space as you can, but rather to contract the target muscle.

It takes time to learn to contract your back muscles, the Adonis Row will teach you FAST!

Theoretically you could build your muscles as big as possible without ever lifting a weight IF you could force your muscles to maximally contract simply by flexing them. Unfortunately it seems that we must use some sort of external resistance (weights, bands, machines etc) to force us to contract our muscles harder than if we just flex them without any weight to push against.

Moving Weight vs Contracting Muscle

Take a look around your gym the next time you go and see if you can tell who is ‘moving weight’ and who is ‘contracting muscles’.

The ‘weight movers’ will be cheating up the weight no matter what their form looks like and what muscles are actually involved. In the case of the ‘weight movers’ their focus is on moving the dumbbell or barbell through space and they’ve likely forgotten why they are there working out in the first place, which for most people is to train the muscles.

Power lifters and competitve olympic style lifters are in fact attempting to move weight through space and don’t actually care how their body achieves this goal. This means their form becomes their function and whatever shape their body must take in order to the move the weight then so be it. In both of these cases a larger core/torso and larger hips/butt/leg area tends to dominate their physique. Indeed this is a powerful end result for moving weight through space on the major power and olympic lifts, but it doesn’t do much for building a Golden Adonis Index Ratio.

Contracting Muscles on the other hand is about using enough weight to force a maximal contraction at the working muscle that you are in fact intended to be contracted.

One way to ensure you’re getting the target muscle to contract is to have very strict form and avoid using other muscles or ‘body heave’ to assist the movement of the weight. It’s the idea of eliminating or minimizing the contribution of other muscle groups that are not meant to be worked during a given exercise.

For most exercises the best you can do is attempt to keep the rest of your body still/strict while only allowing the working muscles to move.

BUT there is one specific exercise where you can take this one step further and do what I call a ‘counter contraction’.

A counter contraction is where you not only keep the other muscles still/strict but you engage them in the opposite direction that would have otherwise been cheating.

For example on a bent barbell row many people engage their hips and lower back and instead of only using their lats and arms to pull up the barbell they also use a significant amount of lower back movement and hamstrings to ‘heave up’ the weight. This stype of cheating will allow you to move a heavier weight through space, but it will take away from how intensely your lats and upper back muscles will have to contract. In other words, you’re taking away from the activation of the target muscles instead of adding to it.

The counter contraction bent barbell row (I call it the Adonis Row) is where you bend into the contraction while your flex your arms and back. It’s somewhat difficult to describe so I’ve included a video here so you can see exactly what it looks like.

Try this row at the end of your next back workout, I guarantee you’ll get the most intense contraction and pump you’ve ever had in your back muscles.


Can You Go Past Your Genetic Ideal with More Protein?

Here’s the second part of this month’s UNCENSORED Podcasts Season 2.

Here’s what you discovered in the first part (link to the 1st part here):

  • What’s catch up growth
  • What’s the disinhibition/inhibition model and how does  it apply to muscle growth
  • How taking drugs basically means adding another engine to your car (body) meaning what bodybuilders do, doesn’t apply to your case in any way
  • That fitness media completely loses touch with scientific research
  • You can’t stimulate your body to grow more than it’s designed to, you can only remove inhibitors to allow your body to keep growing to its full ideal
  • Different inhibitors that are preventing your muscle from growing
  • That almost every single image you see of bodybuilders is enhanced, but after a while you’ve gotten used to it and started thinking of it as your genetic ideal

What Role Do Protein and Amino Acids Play in Muscle Growth?

It’s generally accepted that higher amino acid intake allows for muscle synthesis in the otherwise fasted state, but…

Can higher protein intake stimulate more muscle growth?

…the truth is, you can’t eat your way to muscle growth.

That’s just not going to happen.

In reality your goal should be to hit an adequate amount, in both calories and protein. Everyone thinks the key is in some sort of excess, but that’s the “stimulation model” forced at you by fitness media.

You have to realize that everybody has an energetic reserve. In fact a large person can go days without eating and still not have it affect the metabolic processes in his body.

It’s no the deficit itself that’s the determinant, but the ability to handle it, which depends on the amount of the reserve. In other words, the leaner you are the more and more frequently you will eat.

…And what if you try to eat more?

Well, in a nutshell your body deals with excess by burning it, storing it or by getting rid of it.

So, let’s say you buy a weight gainer product and you try to dose your way up to bigger muscles.

Well, once you listen to todays podcast you’ll understand that you’re consciously investing in storing these excess calories as fat! That sucks, doesn’t it?

But that’s pretty much what the food and supplement companies are selling you. You are paying to be fat, how crazy is that?

Now that applies mostly to excess calories, but too much protein works almost the same. Most guys think you have to take a protein shake five times a day and even in the middle of the night, because your “body is starving“, right?

The truth is that your body is pretty well-designed and it handles excess protein in a smart way – it stores it as a reserve and uses it during your fasted state.

There is a sweet spot to every biological process. You can also imagine each process as a spectrum. On the left side you have a malnourished, 14 year-old marathon runner and on the right side you have the wanna be bodybuilder who is mega dosing calories and protein, but he is just getting fat. Both are extremes, you want to be in the middle, eat enough protein and calories to maintain what you have and build even more muscle while losing all the fat and getting ripped.

One of the keys to understanding how all this works is realizing that your body is not static, it’s dynamic.

Your body is breaking down and building things up every day – you are not built of the same stuff as you were a year ago.

Just like your bank account, something goes in, something goes out, so over time it may look the similar, but it’s never the exact same money.

In today’s UNCENSORED training, you will discover and learn:

  • What’s the genetic ideal and genetic ideal shape for you and if you can go beyond it
  • What role does protein play and what you need to do to remove protein intake as an inhibitor
  • The answer to whether extra protein intake helps with muscle building
  • What happens when you get from the adequate intake spectrum below to the low levels of caloric and protein intake or on the other hand to high levels of excessive intake
  • What are your only ways of affecting the shape of your body
  • How the environment you live in translates into your ability to get in shape
  • What body are you capable of building when you remove all of the inhibitors
  • What’s novel stimulus and how it relates to muscle growth
  • What’s the difference in muscle gains and strength gains
  • If small forearms are preventing you from making your arms bigger
  • How a calf injury can mean shoulder pain and inability to work out properly
  • Revealing an argument why you should fast to remove yet another inhibitor
  • Whether working out and or running is removing an inhibitor, introducing new inhibitor or accelerating your growth (hint: it’s not the one you think)
  • How to look at your life with a new mindset and target all the inhibitors and remove them

IMMERSION Clients May Login and Download Podcast Here

Not an Adonis Index IMMERSION client? Click here to find out more… and hear a weird story too
